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  • After all, it was fun doing that imaginary dance performance with you at the imaginary steakhouse.
    Yeah I got home a little late cause of the "Staring contest" between me and you know who :p

    I did talk to him to find out how Pat was :D
    Naw,I come off sounding angsty.Lets talk about something else,like..........ummmmmm do you like stripes?
    I dunno,I'm wearing a pair of striped socks right now and they're sooooo cool!
    Oh and I have credits to you on my signature because I kind of copied your banner idea.

    I HAD to do that because 1. its nice and 2. this girl Narnia56 copies everything so if I want to do it,I have to say credits:D
    I know, I know. My mum teases me about liking him more than Ben. Whats funny is that the people who know me best aren't my parents. People on the forum,My sister,and my grandmom know me best.
    Its awfully funny.Its just when it comes to MY interests,I'm not vert talkative around my mum and dad.
    I feel kind of embarrassed for liking the things I do,because I'm the only one in the family who likes anything different. Everyone else likes the same type of things,and they say I'm stubborn for not wanting to do them.
    I just can't get into it as much as they are.

    I'm sorry,You don't need to hear all my problems:)
    Yeah it is a shame isn't it? Just a minute ago me and my sis were getting giddy thinking about our crushes. luckily for my sis we KNOW the kid she has a crush on and he's only older than her by a day:(
    Made me get discouraged because my last crush turned out to be an immature jerk who was younger than me
    Yeah. I can't relate to any of my family which is weird. I can only relate to people who are either 16 years older than me or people on the internet I've never met:D
    Oh wait I figured it out:eek: hee hee I'm confusable!
    Yeah,my family is pretty bland. I'm like a flamingo in a flock of pigeons:D
    cool! I made you giggle? Nobody EVER laughs at my stuff! My mum just nods and smiles or hardly listens if I tell her something. Its kind of discouraging but I have to live with it,seeing I'm the weird kid in my family:)
    Ha ha! I haven't even finished that piece yet!:D Hey maybe you could tell me the names of some of the characters. Lucy's name is real and Marleen is actually sarah finch but I don't know angie's real name. I just made them up because I couldn't find out what they really were.
    I'll post some more chapter for you to read...
    it is guesswork. He does display his opinions about his films or anything deep but say Robert Pattinson(his friend in the book) gets a package and Ben really wants what's inside(a motorcycle) and he opens the crate,what does he do then?:D
    My book says he wrecked it by driving it down town and crashing it:)
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