Lucy but Taller

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  • THE CO-OP IS AMAZING! There is one in Queensbury!!!!

    heheee i have a veeeery good retort about American Portions then :D Exept its quite insulting so I wont say it :L But when I went there the portions were like WOAH! And I ordered Fanta... they gave me illuminous orange liquid that tasted eeewwwwish, and the man kept refilling it :0
    But what if it only was one of them, say the CEO of Disney who presuaded them to add in the Caspian and Susan romance? Would you make them all pay for the folly of one? :D
    Lol But whom do we tie to the wheel to throw the knives at? The director, the screenwriters or the CEO of Disney? XD

    Ah, I'm a Ringer or Ardaian.
    Lol oy vey, why did they have to create the whole Caspian and Susan dynamic? In the books they are kids and wouldn't even think of a romantic relationship. :rolleyes:

    *high five*

    So do you consider yourself a Ardaian or Narnian first and foremost?
    Either can I, I can't wait to see Laura Brent's potrayal of Ramandu's Daughter. I'm hoping in this case, they emblish the story a little bit and thus give her some extra screen time.

    Lol I too prefer matching avvies and siggies. It's just not cohesive or as asethically pleasing to have mismatched avvies or siggies. :)
    Hey, how are you?

    By the way I Love your avvie and siggy. The avvie looks familar for some reason. ;)
    wait.... was yours a school dance? ehhh......

    hahaha that it immense, in liverpool there is a shop called Liverpool 1 and then next door i think its called Everton 2... they hate each other then when you say the shops its Liverpool 1 - Everton 2 heheeee

    A Nisam Micra, its a small car :D I KNOW YOURS ARE LIKE.... woah
    a book, white t-shirts, a magazine, and as a joke my dog got boxer with puppys on them. them my dog carried them around like it was a toy!
    Happy Father's Day to you too! Thank you, I love how Lilliandil or RD has turned out. Her appearance is breath taking, nay It's enchanting. :)
    rehersal ? for a dance? wtf!!
    aaaaawwwww it sounds SOOOOO FUN!!!!! I WANNA COME!!!!!

    It's my sisters prom soon.... her first official prom cause shes got this one and then one at the end of 6 form when she officially leaves school FOREVER! then she goes to university where i get her room!!!! :D

    oooooffffttt you lucky girl ;) but your all jeremy's did you dance with him ? YOU BETTER HAVE GIRL!!! :)
    football ? thats like..... wussy rugby over there .... IT REALLY IS!!! we play something similar to that but without padding.... yehh my dad used to play it lol

    I got a hoodie that says OHIO STATE COLLEGE on from new look OOOOOHHHHHH for my cumbria trip i also got a KERMIT one :D with kermit on
    so yeahhh London on wednesday then cumbria on thursday and my mum gets a new car on saturday which i see on sunday.... AND TODAY IS FATHERS DAY! lovely!!!
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