Lucy but Taller

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  • yes they do ;)

    I'll try :p

    and I was reading the part in Maximum Ride about them driving the stolen van earlier, great timing ;)
    haha do you? I love it too. But I've been asked to change you won't see it anymore..
    I hates the phone (it burns it burns! it freezes! it burns!) but I loves talking to you so it all evens out :D
    sure! exept times are massivly stupid :0 would it matter if you spent lots of money???

    cuz you couldnt ring my house phone, my mum doesnt know bout TDL.
    im not sure it'd be the best of ideas sorry :( but we can msn, youtube, facebook, TDL anything else :D
    hello lucy but taller, how are you doing? thank you so much for your prayers, my grama has an apointment with a counselor tomarrow please continue prayer because she's not easy to get along with she's selfish & stubborn, have a good week
    Ah well I'm not sure I'd like the series anyway...not the kind of movie I usually like.;)
    I could never make myself watch another one after that one.:eek: I'm strange like that...if I hate the first movie/episode I see of a series I won't ever try a different one.:p
    I HATED IJ.:mad: And I was never a Star Wars kinda bored me as a kid.:eek:
    I have strange taste in movies.:p If it isn't a western, a spy, or a war movie I don't usually like it.:p

    "Witness" is about an Amish boy who sees a murder..Harrison Ford is sent to protect the boy from the's kinda spooky..R-rated and all....
    Weird.:p I like it the old way.:D

    Well, Harrison Ford I've disliked since watching "Indiana Jones" and "Witness".:rolleyes:
    Han Solo just seemed stuck up to me.:eek:
    How do they regenerate in the new series?:D

    No. And I can't stand Harrison Ford.:p
    I saw 5 turn into 6...that was the first one I ever saw.:D

    Ick, no. *shudders* :p
    Wasn't he the 6th doctor..Because I love 5 best and I hated when he changed.:mad:

    Solo Nikovetch...I'm just calling her Solo though, after Napoleon Solo and Illya Nikovetch Kuryakin.:D
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