Lucy but Taller

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  • Heyy! How could you leaveee? You either need to get back on and PM me your number or text me from it since you already have mine! Or friend me on Facebook! Either way, get back on here so you can see this and contact me!
    Conneticut? Why are you there? lol
    And no you did not! When did this happen? Can you text? PM me your number! ^_^ heehee
    I didn't know you were having issues in this forum. I wish you'd tell me. I would have given you some advice. I do hope you come back. You are missed more than you know and it's a lot of fun having you around. In the "what if..." thread I asked "I was Lucy but Taller?" LOL. I hope you come back and see it sometime.
    I'm EXTREMELY sorry about how I exploded at your thread.I had no idea it would be so offending to many forumers.It's all my fault I can't keep my temper in check,so I'm asking if you'll come back to TDL.Please note-my anger wasn't directed at YOU,but at the people shooting.I know it was all a joke,and I know I overreacted.I'm very sorry,but I just hate it when any books are destroyed.A few days before you posted the thread I had travelled to a small village when me and my parents came upon a group of drunken men burning books.The police came,but many of the books had turned to ashes,and couldn't be saved.That was a horrible scene to watch,and the shooting was almost as bad.
    But that wasn't an excuse for my senseless outburst.
    Once again,I'm very very sorry-and really wish you back on TDL.

    P.S.Not to sound dramatic,but would it help if I left?The forum would have one less problem to deal with.
    You can't just leave!!!!!! Especially without telling me!!!! And other people of course BUT STILL!!!! If this is about the twilight thread don't give a arse about them, well they arn't worth the hassle and you can't split up the musketeers officially!!!!!
    Even if you have left you should check back to look at your goodbyes.... if you have
    have you got email????
    well im PM-ing you mine so we can at least TRYYYYYYYYYYY to stay in touch >:l >:'l gggrrrr
    Like the countryside? Hahaaa bless you, I live in the countryside you could say, a lil village :D But we have abit of traffic..... and loud children outside my house.... :/
    Hello big nose :D It's a bit like Big Ears from Noddy :)
    Have you really left? Cause that kinda sucks.
    Your one of my closest TDL friends... and all my TDL friends always end up leaving TDL... I make new ones, of course, but then they leave too...
    I wish you wouldn't. but I won't make you stay.
    LBT--I have a very silly request.
    PotW sent me a message that my signature picture was too big.Unfortuneatly,I don't know how to resize it myself...
    Could you help,or should I just change my siggy?
    Thank you!
    Oooohhh I've heard of there! Sounds like it should have a K....
    Did you mov? Or is it a holiday?
    I can sorta see where your coming from ,,
    Oh I'm sorry! I'd tell you to call me but Kath went away for the week and took my phone with her..
    Technically it's our phone so she has a right. Hahaa
    Lol :D It does seem to me that loads of the people on TDL are American, and us British lot seem like the minority.

    Guess what?! I took an Italian test and got a B! And I was getting like, U's at the beginning of the year, and i don't even revise that much, I just listen in lessons now. I've also changed my options around, so I'm taking History, Food Teach and Italian, swapping Media with Italian, because I really like it now. Also at the end of the year Miss was giving out sweets and everyone got mini bags of Haribo and I got a pretty big bag of licorice. So now not only does Miss Saccá stalk me, I'm also her favourite student. :D :p I love Miss Saccá, she's so cool. :cool:
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