Lucy the Marshwiggle

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  • Lucy! I pray you and your family had a very wonderful Christmas and New Year. Just came to drop off a hello, and hoping all is well.
    Hi, Lucy! Haven't seen you around for awhile? Have you gotten to do any dancing lately?
    Lucy!! I hope everything goes well in your world, haven´t seen you in a while. I just wanted to wish you a very merry Christmas! :)
    well, I'm a member at the forums on and Daydream Believer is over there and she asked a mod *inkspot* if I could come back so inkspot unbanned me and I'm back. :D
    Are you current on the fact that Vanessa and I plan to act out the wedding of Emmett and Queenie next weekend? The rehearsal dinner may be posted as early as Thursday evening.
    Stuff to tell me? I wanna hear about whatever it is! And Lucy, I miss you like crazy! *tackle hug*
    Thanks so much, Lucy! God bless you today as well, as He's blessed me with the treasures of loving family and friends.
    I will set up a TDL party sometime... Maybe in the spring because now it's kind of late for the holidays. I will let you know.
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