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  • Pardon the intrusion--but seeing that many other TDL members will publicize things they write, I am going to try likewise to attract readers to my story in progress in the Writing Club. Set in China and the Indian Ocean about a thousand years ago, it is titled "Flying Girl and Iron Merchant."
    I think your ship has changed it's mind :D I wonder if you are even in controle :p

    Wait a said an air band? Is it the same as playing air guitar or am I mistaken here?
    Are you playing in a band or something? Well...welcome back anyway! Nah...your ship is safe and well. I saw it passing the dutch harbor and on it's way to the carribean :D
    Right, sing and hope for the best

    we should make a Christmas CD to play whenever the guests stay too long

    no wait, we already started doing that :D
    Oh look, it's our band leader...

    Dude we've got to schedule our next concert... -keyboardist-


    ok I'm done. random thoughts.
    Hey Machia!! I'm first to post a message on your profile! Seriously, I just got done reading 1st Samuel 12, and I think it just may be my favorite chapter of the Bible... Seriously amazing...

    So, happy 6th of August, and happy forum upgrade!! :D

    Talk to you later! :)

    -Lizzie- Fish
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