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  • I am not! lol I've been playing for about 6 months, Im not a master lol. I'de love to be in a band or somethin but...pfft
    yes...trying to write another song...its weird, I'll be playing around with chords and and something will hit me. and I'll spend about a month writing the :p but yeah i write songs...
    yeah,its just a ear infection.I'll be ok.:) Things that are funny seem to get rid of the pain.:D
    But enough about me.Have you been playing your guitar lately?
    I called you Jack! That was because of the story you once wrote, remember? :D That's why I called you Jack but of course it is Joe!!
    I did the same leaving messages on my own profiel. And then I had to rewrite it or simply copy and paste :D Hockey is fun! But my team is out of the playoffs already so I support my friend's team :D
    Before you joined here, I wrote a BOOK-LENGTH storytelling poem, titled "The Tale of Sophia Renee": a love story set in 19th-century England. Even if it's fallen off the queue, you can still dredge it up with a search for its title. If you read it, you will see that I followed a strict meter AND rhyme scheme ALL the way through, and yet was able to express what I wanted to say.
    Of course you shouldn't quit! You should do the opposite: work for continuous improvement.
    Jack? thought I was joe...hmmm

    I can be jack :p

    Hockey? hows that been going?

    and Im fine...writing some more awrds winning poetry, working in the garden. Been great.

    I accepted Jesus into my heart on the 22nd :D
    Award-winning poetry...hmm...sounds..award-winning. :p
    Haha listening to my iPod, and nothing else. Current song playing is Circus by Britney Spears.
    *sings* All eyes on me in the center of the ring, just like a Circus... *breaks glass* Oops! *giggles* THE DUFFERS DID IT!!!!!!! *jumps on Dawn Treader and sails away* you can see, I am VERY hyper today...hehehehe.... :eek: :D
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