Miss Freckles
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  • Are you sure the runes don't say that we should eat 3,333 strawberries? I'm all for strawberries.
    I hope your summer is going well. There is a new contest --Live Like a Narnian-- which I think you would rock.
    Whoops, I forgot about the difference between the Order of the Can and the Brotherhood of the Can. I'm in the Brotherhood; thus the dagger, rather than sword.

    As for your nephew, think of it this way. You could tell him that some whales are so cool, they can go parachuting without parachutes. He probably won't figure out what that means until he's too old to care. You can also explain how everyone admires the whales' ability to do this so much that even the bowl of petunias tries to parachute without a parachute just like its hero, the whale.

    It's all about perspective, and corrupting small children.
    Yes, I'm in the Order. Since 2010, apparently; I had to check. I've got a dagger or something from her Queenness. Oddly, I've never used it. Whales, yes. Daggers, no.
    I guess I'm the opposite--I seem to have a habit of creating Duffer objects and then abandoning them. (To be honest, Sushi has been rather quiet for a year or so. Don't tell him....) He does have an entry in the Duffer Encyclopedia, though.

    Lossy pops in sometimes. She got engaged almost a year ago and then married last October, and that has kept her occupied, I think. I ought to bug her again....
    SUSHI?! YOU DISLIKE MY FRIEND SUSHI?! *sobs* *hugs Sushi*

    Dr. Byrne was basically trying to turn Glen into another version of himself. Obsessively orderly, intolerant of cats, etc. Unfortunately for him, Glen never reacted very well to Dr. Byrne's efforts. The pushier Dr. Byrne got, the more Glen would make a mess, use improper grammar, and generally zone out.

    "Nice" is not a word I would use to describe Dr. Byrne. I guess you can call him an estimable gentleman, if you want.
    Oh. Dr. Byrne dates back to my very early Duffer days, when I was primarily suffering from multiple personality disorder (well, disassociative identity disorder now). My "normal" personality was Glen. Dr. Byrne was the alter-ego who is persnickety, thinks he is a therapist, and spent a lot of time trying to cage Mewsie's cats, who frequently shot him with a tomato cannon in revenge. Dr. Byrne was continually trying to reform Glen, who had no interest in reformation.

    Dr. Byrne hasn't resurfaced in a while; probably I decided he was less interesting than my nonverbal buffalo, who writes operas. Actually he was somewhat like the DLR, come to think of it, except he wasn't interested in blowing things up for universal justice, and would have tried to imprison the DLF for being messy.
    Oh, the days of Merry Olde Englande, when ye could do Whatever ye wanted with ye Capitals, Grammar and Spelleng....

    McGrath's biography...which C.S. Lewis's stepson doesn't like.... I have it too. And have read it. And don't understand why McGrath doesn't understand why C.S. Lewis considered boarding school so awful.

    The DLF doesn't talk, but he has taken up painting lately. Perhaps your seal noises would inspire him.
    You used a lot of capitals just now (or is that Capitals? We aren't up on German capitalization, though we know there's a lot of it). It's Twitter, not twitter. Otherwise you are saying that Martin Luther King never was interested in making bird noises--which should be self-evident.

    Capitals are beautiful. Also the DLF likes them, because he goes by his initials. dlf just doesn't cut the cheese.
    Possibly...Vulgaria? But the capitals are right. The problem is Everything Else.

    We did not realize you had a spokesman. Note that we are willing to help you speak, if needed.
    Sending the DLF pictures of someone named "This Guy" (WHY can't you type in capitals?) is hardly the start of a good relationship.

    Long ago, you screamed "DLF, I love you!" to the world. What has happened to you, O Freckles, that you have deserted him whom you once so esteemed?

    Note: We do have evidence.
    The DLF refuses to perform telepathy with anyone other than us. And Glen. He keeps sending her images of the dust bunnies behind the fridge.
    Attempting to bypass our oversight by VM will only cause Glen more corrective sessions. We are the DLR, and we shall prevail.

    The DLF is actually quite intelligent, if nonverbal.
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