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  • If you read a prayer topic titled "Tightening The Belt Even More," you'll know how I've been.
    If you've read the first book and didn't like it much, you probably won't like the others either so I'm not going to say you should read them all but they are not as a bad as people make them out to be and I think people would be a lot more moderate in their criticism if the books were not so successful because as it stands, it seems that the popularity of the books have made them "Fair Game".
    Happy belated birthday!!

    I would LOVE to tell someone what I hate about it, but I usually refrain since it starts fights. :p

    First off, I'm not a huge fan of Disney movies. Off the top of my head, Tangled and Bolt are the only animated Disney films which I really like. (Not counting Pixar; I love those. :)) I'm okay with a few others, like The Aristocrats, but most Disney animated stuff, in my opinion, is awful.

    The Little Mermaid is definitely my least favorite of all the ones I've seen, although I admit its songs were significantly better than those in other Disney films.

    First of all, they completely mutilated the story-line. I understand why they made those changes, since the actual story isn't child-friendly. ;) Nonetheless, the original story is better than the Disney-ified one. Ariel is one of those ridiculous, stereotypical characters which are fed up with life and "restrictive" parents, and wants to go see the world.
    She disobeys her father and puts herself in danger, then falls in love with a human within, like, five minutes after meeting him. :rolleyes: Some of these aspects existed in the actual story, but they are waaaay overdone in the movie.

    I HATE THE WAY LOVE IS PORTRAYED IN DISNEY MOVIES!!!!! It's so completely idiotic and unbelievable. I never watched Disney princess movies when I was little because my mom 1.) didn't like the portrayal of love and romance, 2.) didn't like the unhealthy parental relationships, and 3.) Didn't like the over-the-top villains and the stereotypical "beautiful=good, ugly=evil" stuff. I am so glad I never saw the movies when I was younger. They would have traumatized me! (I was waaaay too sensitive as a child…) Also, I would have picked up a lot of mistaken ideas on life without even realizing it.
    Sorry, I'm rambling. :p

    Oh, and Ariel isn't exactly dressed modestly, either... She and Jasmine always carried a stigma, even among some little girl Disney fans at my church, because they were “the immodest princesses”. :p

    Ursula is probably the most disgusting and obnoxious villain in all of Disney. I hate her so much that I don't even know where to start!
    Also, Eric is a really awful character. His role in the film is poorly developed; Ariel's enamored with him, and that's all that matters, right? :rolleyes: He doesn't need to actually be an interesting character, or so goes general Disney reasoning.

    One reason I love Tangled so much is because the male protagonist is actually likable and interesting.

    I honestly have no idea why people love this movie so much. I can't think of a single part that I enjoyed. Sure, I went into the movie biased, but still! It's a classic, but I don't see why anyone liked it in the first place. It isn't entertaining, engaging, or clever.
    Your comments on the Twilight thread were awesome. You put down everything I've ever thought were wrong about the Harry Potter books but was not articulate enough to express. I think, however, that you may be short-changing the Twilight series a bit. They are not completely bad. Meyer isn't afraid of making some of her characters Christians and she has Edmund, the hottest guy alive, be a virgin until he is married. That takes a lot of courage in this present-day and age of "Sex and the City" and "16 and Pregnant".
    Yes we worked it out.
    No, Walden has been giving us smoke and mirrors as they have yet to do a pitch to Fox and the C.S.Lewis estate. They want to do MN next but no word on what the studio or Estate want.
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