I read you've beaten Orcarnia and now you plan to undertake Majoria's Mask. Good luck to you on your quest.. Majoria's Mask is one of the most challenging Zelda games of all time.
Orcs have been seen prowling around the plains of Edoras, but they have yet to cause any trouble. I've even heard that a so called Goblin has taken up residence in Durhallow. It seems the Orcs are simply looking for places to habitate. They have lost all resolve and desire for war. Or so we are to believe.
Well when they get on their posts show up in blue. Except for Damian's. His blue is broken. So when he got on I said; "Hello Damian. You really need to fix your blue."
And he replied, "I know im still not in blue....no idea why at all!! lol"