Mrs. Pevensie
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  • Eww!! Needles! *passes out* LOL! Is it weird that I'm planning my third tattoo and I hate needles?

    I'm glad to hear that you're amazing.
    Any chance of you getting back in the roleplay? After all, you're the one who wanted to be married to Edmund; and I've just expedited his getting back to where you are.
    Do tell! I'm alright. My aunt had a baby yesterday. I got to see him today. His name is Isaac Alexander and he is beautiful. :)
    Very cool :)

    I am okay. Tired but finding amusement with blushy crushes and hanging out with friends on the rare occasion I can. :rolleyes:
    Mrs.P, I hope that no real-world trouble is occupying you, such as would make me embarrassed to have nagged you about a trivial roleplay! But since you DID proclaim yourself Edmund's wife, your husband and sisters-in-law would really like to know if you are on the trip with them, or staying at Cair Paravel in the company of Peter, Oreius and Chipdolly.
    I hope you ladies don't mind that I went ahead and "took advantage" of my friendship with B-King to persuade him to come on board in the role of Edmund. He hardly needed any persuading; and he and I are already planning together how we'll act as brothers to each other. But Mrs. Pevensie and Dayhawk, we're going to need you ladies to decide HOW Mrs. Pevensie gets to be Mrs. EDMUND Pevensie. The roleplay action apparently happens at a time only 10 or 12 years after the death of Jadis; therefore, unless the wife-of-Edmund character somehow got "shipped in" from Earth, she would have to have been born DURING the reign of Jadis, but born IN some part of the Narnian world which was outside the Witch's power.
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