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  • I'm all right, thank you. Pamela's faith is sustaining her, with confidence that her grandmother is alive on the other side. Because this grandmother loved hummingbirds, Pamela is now collecting pictures of them.
    A lot of people will take Ibuprofen, Motrin, or Tylenol for that. It doesn't fix the cause of the fever, but if the fever is getting too high (104 degrees or so, depending on the person) it will at least lower the fever. I've also heard of people using cool, wet cloths to help bring down fevers, but I haven't personally tried it.
    hey sis - hugs- dude my g mail won't me on it that's why I wasn't on yesterday I'm trying to find out what's going on :{
    Address me as you see fit. I'm perfectly pleased to be your whatever. And, by e-mail or otherwise, I would love to see specific comments from you on my fictional characters. Which reminds me: have you yet looked at "The Tale of Sophia Renee"?
    I'm more of an age to be your Dad, but it's okay with me if you'd like to look on me as a brother. I'm _exactly_ that to you in the Body-of-Christ sense. As for Pamela, she is at peace in the promises of Jesus, that her grandmother is in Heaven now.
    I'm glad you're getting better.
    We're leaving to go to the library in a few minutes I think, so not right now.
    Hi Beth! Excellent bday! :) My name's Tim-I used to spend lots of time on here, but unfortunately haven't been able to for a while. Thanks for adding me as a friend!
    Will you be on this evening? I can't right now. My mom is at our other house this week, while we have repairs going on, so I'm responsible for getting dinner ready.
    OHNO!!!! I'm not angry! Nahh I was joking bout the peado thing :D then I lost connection... thats not some sort of made up retarded excuse by the way =)
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