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  • thats way cool. my church is small, no one has ever heard of it, and i love the family community. what kind of church is it? i go to a non-denominational church.
    lol i don't sing. but i do keyboard. i am in a band.. my youth group band, and thats really fun. i love my youth group and we always have a blast:D
    well i've heard that there are public plays in like public opera houses maybe you can find something... i bet you'd be really good! do you sing too?
    yeah last year we did Beauty and the Beast, and this year we're doing Peter Pan. my school is kinda famous in its area for our really good singing program.
    lol ironically my computer applications teacher (the class i'm in right now), his girlfriend is the choreographer of our school musicals we put on in the spring. just a random thought. lol.
    thats cool i can't dance to save my life. i did gymnastics for a few years when i was like 5 but not anymore...
    lol its just a past-time for me that I do while I relax. i have some other sketches i need to take pictures of so i can post them.
    lol yes i did draw that tree.. i drew it last year in an art class where she gave us all random pictures we had to look at quickly, then she took the model pictures away and we had to sketch them in 5 min.
    just curious have you looked at my album? i added some of my drawings i've done and they don't have comments so you can pride yourself [again] for being the first! lol
    hey you don't by any chance have read any Redwall books? (by Brian Jacques) they're really good and if you haven't read them, i highly recommend them
    Tell you what:

    First, I must give Dayhawk a chance to decide if she wants her character to notice Alipang's existence. If she's too busy conquering universes and bench-pressing semi trucks, we move to the next step.

    The next step would be where I urge you to tell your parents that you are in a roleplay, that an adult man who ADMITS TO being an adult man happens to be acting as a teenager for the sake of the story, that this adult man (ME) has never asked for any personal information from you, and that he will not allow his character Alipang to become seriously attracted to your character Summer unless your real-world parents are okay with it.
    I think that the "unheard" part of Grant's call to you can be assumed. You and Jester can decide a time when he'll come see your Dad.

    And when you see where Alipang has a dream about Summer, please don't be bothered by it; it IS just a fictional person having a dream about another fictional person.
    Since Dayhawk is as likely to let her character have normal feminine feelings for a normal male as I am to flap my arms and fly, it may not be so far-fetched for something to develop between Summer and Alipang after all. But I won't promote any such feeling anytime soon, indeed not ever unless you feel as if it should happen.
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