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  • Sana will just have to learn to have patience with Elijah, and simply go out of her comfort zone to truly and deeply understand him.
    Does it bother you what I said to Dayhawk? I have openly discussed with her the way she keeps making her characters practically omnipotent; so I'm just heading it off this time.
    Sweetness!! Ah.....the title of their cd is called "Over and Underneath"......basically their first CD.....simply amazing :D
    I did get this amazingly warm jackets, 2 nice dress shirts, 4 different gift cards, 3 coffee cups, and some coffee.
    i was only homeschooled for 1st grade. lol I would not know how to be a homeschooler thrown into public school. sorry :o
    The only two things I hate about cold are ear infections and sore throats. A stuffy nose and cough are more tolerable for me.
    Oh Terrior. I didnt have enough to get Bloodhound. Plus I haven't read that series yet so I'll wait until my b-day to get that.
    I got the Trickster's duet too! with my gift card! YAYZ and then I got Beka Cooper.

    lol thats all really cool stuff :D
    from Pac sun
    two hoodies(Fox)
    a big crossbone and rose Fox purse
    a belt

    Prince Caspian
    The Other Bolyn Girl
    Xena: season 1 (now I only need 2)
    a claw machine teddy bear
    Kim Rodger's boots

    Perfume and something else from Victoria Secret

    40$ gift certificate to Borders

    Twlight soundtrack
    Nine Inch Nails- The Fragile
    A better and new cd player

    boyfriend gave me:
    a teddybear
    and a Macey's gift card

    and a stocking full of Pocky, nuts, chocolate and Praelines

    oh and an Aslan pin

    so thats like....20 things yay!
    oh and plus the 4 books i got with my gift card :D
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