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  • We've done those too, they're hard in the first place ;)

    I made the banner, after searching through Nigtcrawler fan sites for pictures :D
    It seems much less organized than our past big performances (A Christmas Carol in '04 and LWW in '06) but that's probably what I thought with LWW too :D But I do think it's finally coming together better.
    Tonight is the night I'm most likely to get it done, I should start working on that soon... ;)
    As I've mentioned I'm busy, our church production of The Christmas Carol is next week. If I haven't posted it by the fifth just go on with the contest, I don't really care that much ;) I've been in a lot of contests recently
    Darn! You asked that one question I have a hard time answering. I can never decide! ( mostly as I choose which comics I read based on the character and not on the company.) Superman, Batman, Spider-Man and the Hulk ( in that order) are my top favorite comic book characters so I kind of walk the line as it were. I had a hard tiime following X-Men as there were too many lesser characters to keep track of ( I had the same problem with JLA) and didn't get into them untill the films.
    Well, my name on my home planet is Sven-El... but I like to call myself... The Omega Knight.
    exactly (thus why any children of mine will be homeshcooled lol). and, there is more of an opportunity for skipping grades (because when one is homeshcooled, one can be whatever grade one wishes)
    i was homeschooled for much of my life. i spent the last five in private shcool and now am at uni. i am very much a homeschooler at heart though. :D and my kids (if i am ever lucky enough to have any lol) will be homeshcooled
    you are welcome. :D
    yah, its to bad... luckly, there are always tons more contests :D
    Vanessa is hosting one, you should join!
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