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  • they have their own thread...or you can post on the battle thread between paperB'nites and skandarnites. Just say you want to join and state who your paperboy is.
    PaperB'nites were started when this one girl said her paperboy looked like Ben she started a fan group thingy. And you can pick any guy to be your paperboy as long as it's not Skandar Keynes haha. That's pretty much the short version of how they came about.
    when I was little I liked the BBC versions, now they're just funny (except the actress who was Lucy is really annoying)
    Just popping over to say HI :D
    I hope our Rosie on the Sons and Daughter thread comes back...I miss it LOL. :(
    How is life treating you?
    Well, that's a long story to answer a quick question:D But shortly: Olorin and Dernhelm (and Lady of Lorien at some time) were constantly (and i mean all the time) talking to each other in the so-called 'Shakespearian', which is like 16 century English. That took me, being a Dutchy and not having as much English knowledge, a loooong time to be able to read their posts, which annoyed me so much (which encouraged them to do it even more:D) that i decided to take away the ability to speak any kind of Shakespearian by destroying all evidence of Shakespeare's existence:D

    Does that answer it?
    whoa, I was just watching an old TV show with the actor who played Puddleglum in the old BBC Silver Chair...
    generally I have an idea of where the story is going but I go all sorts of unnecessary places on the way ;)
    mainly my problem is that I'm better at making characters than I am at thinking up plots so my stories just kind of form around the characters. not to mention I always have a whole bunch of extra characters :D
    I like your album, especially the baby seal, it's so adorable!

    Also, a nice entry in your story :D
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