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  • But I want to try and reconnect with some of thegirls. Linds, Ally and Jess are all mia. I know some are around, but not sure how many.
    I know! Everyone is a mod now! I keep seeing people's usernames and going.. wait, that's not right.
    He was included in the "dating fictional characters" but yes :p
    Also flashchat is gone now..? Which I knew, but I thought I would be able to find some sort of announcement on it but I cannot. That's kind of disheartening. Some of thegirls are still on here after all. Not a lot, but some.
    Who was doing nothing? I was doing stuff. Like dating fictional characters. And raising dragons. And thinking about updating fanfics.
    Never forget about the ten thingy. That's was the motto of my younger years. Ah, the good old days.
    How much recent, non-musical stage theater have you seen lately? There was a period in the 70's and 80's when I saw a LOT of recent American plays... and they ALL seemed to end with every character bitterly hating every other character.
    Don't worry about the picture, I'm just going to put Alipang on Kindle without any pictures.
    Thank you. This is up to your discretion, but if you feel okay about e-mailing me, you could send the picture directly to:
    That is so cool! Sadly, no. But I did take ballet and tap for a few years when I was younger. But I do take piano and I am going to get back on the swim team here pretty soon! And I also did figure skating for awhile. So when I think about, I have done quit allot!
    Rachel! Did you hear that I got married again? But I still write. In that connection, I have a request. Since you never did write "Summer's Story," would it be possible to re-caption the graphic you did for it? The one with the balisong knife and the highschool symbols of panther and falcon? I'm trying to get "The First Love of Alipang Havens" onto Kindle, and it would need a cover picture. The new caption, obviously, would be the book title plus my name, Joseph R. Ravitts.
    Ahhh... That makes sense. I have been kinda wanting to go to public school for like a year for awhile. I have a really good friend who goes to public school and she loves it. But I may just take that advise! Cause for one it is a good idea. And for two Public school sound intriguing!

    That is so cool! So you dance? What dance do you do?
    Oh good!

    You were? so far i have been home schooled my whole life also. but sometimes i wonder if I should go to school. Did you ever have thoughts like that? or did you enjoy homeschooling?

    That's really cool about the performing arts. Is that one of your favorite subjects?
    cool! are yo enjoying it so far? I am Starting in early September i am pretty sure. And I think I am going into 8th or 7th grade. I am home schooled. So, that is why I am a little confused.
    Your welcome! I hope you don't I don't come across as nosy or anything, but, when do you start school? Since it is around that time and all!
    Thanks! I can't take any credit for the signature though. I like your profile pic! It's super cute!
    Congrats on graduating! So, future plans? It's great to see you again, though I'm afraid I have not been the most active this summer. I spend too much of my time wandering about town now that places are within walking distance and I don't have to worry about homework. :p
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