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  • Well, then, give that new story full steam. The "Alipang" thread is near the top of the stack now, so you have time before it sinks out of sight. I may do something which will both postpone the disappearance, AND provide a reference for you and readers: create a "Guide to Smoky Lake."
    haha yeah I saw them. that poor globe was not circular! XD hahaha! amazing detail on the books though, on the desks. one long blue one and one short red one on each desk. :) impressive. ;)
    Well I'm happy the snow melted over here because it became too dangerous on the roads. But the sight was awesome of course ;) Winter is not over yet. Who knows....maybe more snow will fall.
    Do you still wanna write it, if you're up for it? I don't mind doing it. I let you decide on if you wanna do it or not.
    I realize you want to write Summer's story for yourself, but I'm available if you choose to ask advice.
    I'll say. Dancings the most painful thing I think I've ever done, and I wasn't even really dancing! Just in theater class. :) btw, did you see Damian's Tweets today? XD ahahha!!

    You would laugh if you were here right now....lets say i was not blessed with the talent of drawing!! ideas seem different on paper LOL!


    3 more assignments left before the 22nd!! well...the other 300 words from last nights business one too, but ill get there. Sleep time :)

    Assignment im learning alot about what i see getting done every morning on tour lol!!...learning the trade haha!!

    I went out a run, and i was nearly blown away...the snow is gone...but there is some serious wind...its never neutral is it??!!

    So i have to design a set model due next thursday for a play set in a classroom, haha...seriously i dont think they understood when i said..

    I. can. not. do. anything. to. do. with. ART!!!!!!!

    I'll try my best and post a twitpic of my model next week to give you all a good laugh LOL!! 3 assignments done...guitar time!!

    haha had to include Glee in there :D I'm going to say that now for like "party time!" I'll go "Guitar time!!" haha he's such a goober. Love him. And... I could probably help him with his drawing homework. :D lol!! use a ruler! they're amazingly helpful.
    Yes. Snow is good sometimes. I like it. :D Especially for snow cream!!!!!!! :D:D:D
    We have some snow, but just mostly really cold temperatures. -8 this morning!
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