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  • Marcon, it's got Doctor Who, the Sarah Jane Adventures, Robin Hood (the British TV show) Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and some other stuff
    You're not missing all that much believe me ;)

    That would be fun, I'm still working on going to a convention that Lucy but Taller goes to every year. Not to mention it would make a lot of sense to have the next Lioncon in like Ohio, that's where a lot of us live :rolleyes: ;)
    We're close, my brother had to play Edmund (and he's also being Rilian and Caspian... ;)) now we just need to figure out exactly who is going to be Eustace but thankfully we don't need Eustace until later on in the week
    It should be fun, but it's a bit frustrating trying to find people to do it on such short notice, one of our normal actors has really bad poison ivy and isn't allowed to walk around :rolleyes: we're still missing Edmund...
    But you have inspired me, I am going to have a Silver Chair banner once my dragon hatches ;)

    I'm very happy, we've been trying to get people to come and do the parts and I just got our Eustace on board :rolleyes: :D
    I keep saying that about books but the book I'm currently reading is the Silmarillion so it could be a long time before I finish :rolleyes: ;)
    They're really a lot easier to read once you're older, I didn't read them until I was somewhat older than the rest of my siblings had been. But really Silver Chair is possibly the best Narnia book, you should read that one ;)
    It should be a lot of fun, I'm going to be Jill and possibly Susan (I've been Susan before when we did LWW at church.) We're doing mainly scenes from PC with two scenes from SC because that's just an awesome book ;)
    Actually we're getting around to something right now! We're going to be filming some scenes from the Narnia books for our Narnia themed Bible school this week! :eek: :D
    Um, I don't know what a VM is, so it would probably be better to PM me :p Or if you'd rather, you can just post your nominations in the thread.
    I am frustrated at the moment. I am trying to figure out a way my mom can come with me to the camp I'm going to and make it back to her flight,
    Oh that sounds like lots of fun, we do stuff like that too. We were going to do Til We Have Faces but we haven't quite got around to it :rolleyes: ;)
    It's remarkable how fictional characters take on a life of their own. I have wanted all along for the character of Lorraine to come to salvation; but she's making it really hard for me!
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