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  • tadahs! hope they're okay :D


    i recommend using the image code for putting the sig and if your gonna use the avi, save it onto you computer and put it on :D

    i find it keeps its HDness. heheehe

    here's my photobucket:

    the guest password is: benbarnes
    It's an Adventures in Oddyssey reference, in one of the episodes Mandy is going on in the background about how "I like Bible Bowl" "I love Bible bowl" "If Bible bowl was a man, I'd marry him! Did I say that out loud?" :D

    Well right now our senior high youth group has a whole bunch of guys so we usually play some really athletic game, which I love. The only annoying thing is that I'm pretty much the only girl who will play :rolleyes:
    actually no, Machia isn't nearly as competitive as the rest of us, my oldest brother ibqwawiwmh (which stands for "If Bible Quizzing were a woman I would marry her :D) and my sister Twilightdryadhobbit are the really competitive ones besides me, my mom is pretty competitive too though
    Well my brother is really competitive too and he's my coach. It's always fun to play card games in our house because a lot of us are really competitive
    I'm actually like insanely competitive which has got me into trouble a lot. I've been trying to tone it down a bit and I think it's finally starting to work (and just in time since nationals is next week and I don't want any emotional break downs or anything ;))
    It's really a lot more fun than any other kinds in my opinion, it's a bit more competitive (which is what I like) and in some ways harder. There's probably a better description on the Bible Quiz Fellowship website ;) They also have made demonstration videos but they're always really boring.
    It all depends on what kind you do. With most people I hear from it's like Bible Bowl. With our quizzing you memorize whole chapters or books word for word. You sit on chairs with electronic pads and a Quizmaster reads questions, you jump on your chapters and lights go off according to who jumps first. You can jump before the whole question is out or before the whole reference is out (if you're insane.)
    Yes, it is really a lot of fun, I don't know what I would do without Bible Quizzing. Except, I don't like any of the other ways people do it, I only like the Bible Quiz Fellowship way.

    Yup yup yup, it was a ton of fun the night he asked her, we had two friends staying over and we were all hanging out our upstairs windows serenading them off-key as they came home from the church (he proposed to her in our Sanctuary since we live across from the church, being a pastor's family ;))
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