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  • I'm not officially, but I can do one since I'm going to have a bit of extra free time pretty soon. What of?
    Here, this will help you:

    Starflower created a character for H-H and never used her: a _British_ girl named Megan who was attending East High for the first time. You could have Summer interact with Megan, whose interests can be what YOU say they are. When on the very first day Alipang saves freshman Sammy Ashford from being robbed by fellow African-American "Leopard Man" (real name Larry Manning), a conversation of Summer with Megan can bring out the fact that British authorities strongly discourage citizens even from defending themselves or other people against direct assault. And you can't go wrong by depicting Mrs. Lewiston walking around telling everyone just to love themselves.
    Haha, thank you kindly! :D Your avvie is amazing, too! :D Haha, and while I don't know that much about Nightcrawler, GG is one of my best friends (beyond the forum and into day-to-day life...:D), and Nightcrawler is one of her favorite X-men, so he must be amazing....:p
    When I get to roleplay time, just BEFORE the Sunday which opened the roleplay, I will do a new scene with the Tisdales, showing how the mother makes up her mind that they'll go to church.

    Once IN the same time period that the roleplay covered, I will try to focus on things affecting Alipang and Kim, since theoretically my story IS supposed to be about them as an eventual couple. So things like Brendan Hyland (Driad54's nice-jock character) becoming involved with art-loving (but also athletic) Jennifer Williams can be your property.

    Do you remember that, on the first Tuesday night in the roleplay, two thugs tried to jump Alipang on the street as he was jogging home from Pansit work? And how the stupid Principal, Flora Lewiston, held an assembly Wednesday morning to say that promoting self-love was the cure to violence? And she was challenged by the tall girl Callie, because the day before (Tuesday) Wilson Kramer had saved her life when a raging Rottweiler was charging to kill her? You can show Summer's reactions to all that.
    I'm still writing! The current section is the LAST one before I catch up with roleplay time.
    I'm good! But I gotta go now cuz I'm grounded from the computer and I don't wanna get in trouble. :cool: :p lol
    I'm happy and relieved that you approved of the liberty I took with your character Summer. I tried to have her act in a way that was believable from what's been seen of her otherwise. Keep watching my thread for more with Summer.
    I have just finished a section which depicts a lot of Alipang-Summer interaction, including some of the business about Chilena being jealous of Summer.

    I plan to write only one more section _before_ coming up to the time of the roleplay action; this will probably be in 2007, with Chilena having more boyfriend problems and Summer's Dad no longer away at hospitals.
    wow, that is amazing...! hmm, the only sort of commitment that i can match that with is that ive been playing the piano for the same time! still...its kind of like dancing i guess...but for fingers? haha. That is awesome...
    Do note that there are gaps in time where I'm not directly depicting anything. So you can easily stick in flashback events without conflict.
    Cool! And it's just a prologue but I'm working on Chapter 1 in my notebook rite now!! So it'll be up soon! lol
    Psh psh psh sure! :eek: idk hah. Hey I started posting a new story!! It's not much yet only a Prologue but so far it's called If I Got The Role Of Jill Pole... lol so yea! In case ya wanna check it out!
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