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  • P.S. Oms, you're supposed to post that message on my profile page, otherwise it doesn't show as a new message :p. Yes, i started college, i'm 17, so not that young anymore, and i'll be 18 in February, so... Anyways, i'm in Bible school currently, going to study there for a year, and then i'll move on to University and study international relations (yayness), but it's great so far!
    Wait, you wanting things to be back as it used to be means... oh no, new invasion of the ´nites, aahhh :eek: :p Great, well, at least people will know where to post their fandomthingys. Ah, the good old times when the OHMY WILL´S SO HOT threads were literally everywhere. And the always ungoing battle between the William and Skandar nites. So fun to watch (and laught at... with, i mean laugh with :p (just to quote your all-time favorite)).
    Anyways, i´m glad your back!
    I´ve been great, started college and all that, it´s nice and reaaally busy.
    Awesome writer, great debater and very cool person, oms´s got it all...

    ...if only she wasn´t a skandarnite :p jk!
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