oxford girl
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  • I just wanted to drop a note and say that I really like your banner, absolutely beautiful..if I could go anywhere in the world, Rome and Ireland top the list!
    ugh lol
    good luck with finding a job, I've been out of work since august of '08
    i haven't been able to find anything since.
    of course it doesn't help that they fired me for a mistake I didn't make.
    we've been trying to work things out with them but they aren't really working with me.
    how much longer until you have your degree?
    not much haha losing my job, learning how to draw things better...
    working on a storyline for a comic book.
    trying to find A job...
    not finding a job...
    lol how about you?
    It is called A Sand County Almanac and it is a landmark habitat managing book from the WWII era. From what I have heard, it is actually not too bad for reading material.
    Fun. I think I have one. But I also have to read a book and start working on a term paper.
    Hey I'm not on much anymore...(you probably knew that though)
    but I just thought I'd check in and see how you're doing and stuff..so HI :)
    how are ya?
    It is going, I am just glad that Spring break starts a week from tomorrow. I feel like I am constantly flirting with late papers, just barely grazing by with exams, and on the verge of mental break down because of sleep deprivation but I think that I should make it through okay.
    That's cool! lol, we went to Florida, which was AMAZING, wish I could go back! but alas, maybe another time. I'm taking Ethnomusicology, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Intro to American Govn't, and Basic Physics! Fun stuff. :p no, seriously, my Physics prof is nuts. how do you like your classes?
    Don't worry about the PM's I sent you on that other forum; but sometime please give your view on the timing (relative to other characters) of the "breakfast" scene Lion-Lamb and I are doing in "College."
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