oxford girl
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  • *hugs* Okay.....
    I'm feeling okay. I making it; I'll survive. Life is rough, but this is one of the less-rough days. :)
    *poofs in* Hi! Just coming to see how you were doing! by your post in the 3 things on your mind thread, I take it that you're feeling rather down; so I came to see if I could lift your spirits!
    Congratulations!!! And how are you finding college? Hmm...not much really, just getting ready for Christmas. :). Also, I just had all 4 of my Wisdom teeth removed yesterday; that was an interesting experience. :D.
    yeah... it was my dad's old one. When he got a new one, he gave me the old one. It's very nice to have one; I write all my stories on it!
    Fine and dandy, for now....... in another hour I might feel REALLY bad..... but, you never. My brother just fixed my laptop for me, so I'm happy right now....
    I'm really weary right now and I have to study for a big test. But all these wishes are making me so happy :)
    Thank you.
    Nothing happened though if that's what you mean. I got a card and a bobble head thing. And I screamed when I got both because it's Edward Cullen featuring Gaspard!
    and I got a lot of birthday wishes implying twilight and twilight makes me happy. So does tdl. :)
    So does Christmas. :D
    I'm glad finals went well! I hope you'll have fun on your vacation! I wish I had a week off. I don't. I have 3 work days off and then I got a jurry summons for one of them. Oh well. I'll try to rest and have some fun.

    You're all that Tess dear! *Hugs* Blessings to you!
    You've got a lot going on there Tess! I'm impressed and proud of you! Next Sunday is the kids' Christmas program that I'm directing and after that I'll hopefully be a bit more free to get things done in my world. No huge changes yet. I'm exhausted on so many levels. But, God is good and is helping me handle it all. *Hugs* You're missed!
    Pardon the intrusion--but seeing that many other TDL members will publicize things they write, I am going to try likewise to attract readers to my story in progress in the Writing Club. Set in China and the Indian Ocean about a thousand years ago, it is titled "Flying Girl and Iron Merchant."
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