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  • where I grew up in Russia we got about five feet every year. we probably would have gotten more but it got too cold for precipitation. hey three feet is still alot

    Absolutly! yah I am going dressed as Alice....she is my fave
    about ten feet of standing snow

    I know but when you think about it the direcotr had a lot of angles she had tro work from with him. he has to be oh so good looking while being able to pull off the sexy vapier thing but in the same breath look like he hates himself. it's a lot for an actor to pull off. yah sure there are a lot of actors out there that, in my opinion, are better looking than Rob but could they pull the rest of it off? but I like all of the other actors they chose especially the nomads.
    yah we are but this year there was so much snow that they caused a lot of wrecks. they wre pushed down from the mountains into the towns and yah...moose, deer, and elk don't really do so well with cars.

    what about Breaking Dawn?
    hey sis I was wondering if it's all right with you I think Liam tell Cara he loves her but she in love with Will and Anna tells Liam she in love with him.
    Cricket! yes thats what it is. anyway yah those are the things I like to do along with reading :D love to read.
    I'd love to learn how to fence. have you ever gone on over night hiking trips?
    Photography, film, any kind of water sport, rugbey, Hiking, biking, and a game that I cannot rememeber the name to. Its what they were playing in the first narnia movie when Edmund broke the window. Yah I know my brain just stopped working for some reason :p
    oh well it's my first year too...I'm getting started a wee bit late but hey :D
    Art is fun. I enjoy picking the styls apart and learning about the artists that I've known about forever. I am really gettin into photography too
    what do you like to do? as a hobby
    what an internet calss?
    It is nice to be able to do classes from home but for me it's been hard becasue you have to be so organized and that isn't really a strong point of mine.
    so is this your first year in school?
    I highly doubt it. besides all my courses are online so it's a little more complicated. so what is your favorite subject so far other than criminal justice?
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