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  • yah...and they might be more reluctant to do it if the people they chose had full mod copacity.

    I talked to Frodos Gurl and now we need to ask a few more. other than Sunshine who is on here a lot?
    ok sounds like a plan :D oh and we could suggest only like half mod privileges so that the only place they people they chose have any "power" is on the Dawn Treader…did I already say that?
    lets...both of us could and if we get like Sunshine and Frodos Gurl to talk to them as well perhaps tehy would be more pron to actually do it. which Mod do you think we should talk to
    I think they should split Dawn Treader Mod provalages between like two are three people that are on all the time. It would keep things like what happened yesterday in check and it would be good to have a mod preasance there. you know?
    I sort of did already. and I told her we deleted teh matirial in questsion...that sounds so bad puting it that way.

    A mod...yah we might have gotten a really seriouse warning but I don't think we would hve been banned. well that depends on which one read it.

    have you noticed that the Mods don't really ever check the Dawn Treader? or is that just me that thinks that?
    I rarely get mad...well on here at least :D no, like I said before I am glad it was you and not a Mod.

    I know it is up to her but if I was the reason she left...that's not right.
    I did. I asked her why she was leaving the RPG and all she said was it's complicated. then I sent her another and she hasn't replied yet...I feel worse about it today than I did about it yesterday :(

    thanks for calling me on it...I mean I shoudl have just been smarter about it and not evern...AH...I am starting to sound a lot like Kay :p
    I will try. But we are in a big venue and I think we are miles away form the stage lol.
    Lol. Well the Gorillaz are just holograms not real musisions and System Of A Down are American...
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