Pirate Queen
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  • I am fine, thanks, what have you been up to, I mean I see you online a lot, but we never get to talk, I am so busy,
    I know what you mean :rolleyes: I don't mind school much usually, but I'm coming down with an awful case of "Senioritis," I dont have much motivation to work *giggle* :eek: You did get that musuem job?! Thats so, so cool. Do you like it as much as you thought? I dont get to see much of my friends either. I see my bestie at school but we're both so busy and I guess we're kind of drifting apart. She has her hopes set on some colleges I'm not interested in at all. I know seperation is inevitable but I hope we stay friends for a very long time...
    Girl I dont have a boyfriend either :p Didnt we discuss boys one time? *has a happy memory* :D
    Intereting reaction =D Wait'll I tell you what else I do at school: Band, Jazz Band, Academic Team, Model United Nations, Speech Team, National Honor Society, Tri-M Music Honor Society and National History Day. *wipes brow*
    Hee hee :D I dont really know what fueled me to join, but I'm glad I did. I can't imagine how boring my summer would have been without you guys :eek: What's going on in your non-TDL life? :p
    Don't worry, I dont think I can ever completely forget about TDL! Theres something very odd about this forum, it's one in a million :D I remember Tiff saying that during the semester weeks go by and she doesnt even think of TDL. But that hasnt stopped her from coming back all these years :D
    Yeah, band gets to be a bit too much sometimes, even for an uber-geek like me! But the hard work is really paying off; we're doing really well. Last weekend we placed fourth at a big competition =D Marching season dies out with football, and our team is 1-7, so it should be over fairly soon :rolleyes: I've narrowed down my college search to a few, but I'm still not completely sure yet...and I need to get my senior pictures done before December, so that should be fun :rolleyes: I was just looking at the S vs P thread, and I wanted to post, but I didnt feel like it. I dont really feel like posting on TDL anymore. I want to, its just...I dunno. I hope its not the end of an era :p (:()
    It was incredible! Seeing what God did...its nigh on indescribable. I will undoubtedly never forget it, as it has been engraved on my memory.
    He's a sneaky one, that Kevin. -_- So sneaky, he's almost like a girl sometimes. :p

    I get PM's emailed to me, so I have a copy of them... Some PMs are too awesome/hilarous to delete. :rolleyes:

    Yeah! I'm too much in holiday zone right now to sit down at text books!
    Teacher: "Cleo? Stop bouncing in your seat and do your work!"
    Cleo: "Sorry, I'm too holidayish right now to recite my ABC's! Hang on a second, I need to run around in circles to calm down a bit." *leaps up and runs around her desk a few times*
    Teacher: *mutters to self* It's just a Monday thing. . . it's just a Monday thing. . .
    Cleo: *runs circles around teacher*
    Teacher: When's the next holidays?
    Hey! Indeed, looong time, no talk! School has been soo crazy. I'm about to pass out :( :rolleyes: I have band practice pretty much three times a week and homework and college apps and >.< Its intense. I miss Dufferin' it up withchu! :( Whats goin on with you?
    LOL! He's either really nice, but doesn't want people to know him as Mr. Nice guy and pretends to be evil . . . Or, he's so evil, he fools people into thinking he's nice. :rolleyes:

    I loved PMs! Profile messages seem to have replaced it a bit, though. Not that I'm complaining! It's a bit maddening how you have to delete them all the time, though. I've spend some agonizing times, trying to decide which precious PM has to go to the place of no return. . . *moment of respectful silence* Not that it really matters that much, since I keep a copy of all my PMs :p

    Half a week left to go! Too short! *pout*
    Something downright mean and extremely painful or embarassing, I'm sure. . . :p

    I don't read peoples conversations. *superior sniff* I just read peoples pages, so if I try to follow a conversation, I have to keep flicking to and fro the two dudes walls. :rolleyes: But this whole profile wall thing is so awesome!!! You get to feel so evil by peeking in on peoples no-so-private chit chat. . . and it's just like having your own thread called "Post a Post to W. Cleopia"! It's a real pity that searches don't follow these messages here, though. . . [/rambling] :rolleyes: :p
    There is an absolute rock-bottom basic thing on which most ballroom dancing depends: what may be called light and heavy steps. It's so simple and elementary that I can actually teach you in words.

    Stand up. Take one step in which you HEAVILY bring down all your weight on your left foot. Then take a step on your right foot which is so short in time, and so UN-forceful, as to be barely worth calling a step--after which you STRONGLY step on your left foot again. Then do the reverse: right-heavy, left-light, right-heavy.

    From this much, ballroom dancing ability can start to be developed.
    That is a great FOB song! I'm a pretty big fan of theirs. So awesome. ;)

    I do have a baby cousin. I'm going to go see him in about 30 minutes. His name is Isaac Alexander. He weighed 8 pounds or something like that. :)
    I take ballet,jazz,lyrical,modern/contemporary and musical theater :D
    I might be starting to do ballroom next year...I want to learn:
    - Swing
    - Jive
    - Argentine Tango
    - Paso Doble.
    You should look into rec classes or look up a studio that offers ballroom and take class that would be so fun :D
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