Pirate Queen
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  • *knuckles :D* You're very welcome, yeah, I'm just nice like that. But, if you tell anyone (especially newbies) how nice I am, I'll shove you off a cliff. :p
    A very happy birthday, Sherible!!!!!!!!! I'll pray that this year is the best of your life so far, & that each year gets better after that! ;):)
    lol. I'm not sure where the photo is from but it's sweet. :)

    Of course I will be praying for your friend. Could you pray for mine? She's sick and I'm scared for her. :(
    Oh. LOL! Well, you'll have to tell me how school is going once it starts. ;)

    I appreciate that you're praying for me. I'm still stressed. Problems have come up for me at work. My best friend is going through some seriously hard times. So, I'm stressed out right now. It'll be okay. It'll get better. It has to.

    As for me Heath avvie, I'm not sure that it's from a movie. I'm pretty sure that it's from a photoshoot that he's done. :)
    Sheribelle! How do you be? What's going on in your world? We haven't been able to really talk lately. And when we have had the chance, I've been in a down mood. How is school going?

    Bleh! Summer's over! *cries*
    Aww, you poor thing. Probly bored out of your mind, eh? Well did you get your schedule for school? Do you have any fun classes?
    I am sorry, I've been busy with school and work.

    How are you, what have I missed? :D Has school started up for you again, too?
    :( I miss summer. I miss TDL. I miss everyone. I have a test tomorrow that I am not prepared for. Wow, I sure am negative. On the bright side it's good to see my school friends again! And I love all of my music classes. I miss you a lot though! Whats goin on with you? :D Thanks for the message.
    Haha! :D So you're now officially on the side of.... anyone who's getting someone else married? As long as it isn't you? Lol! :p
    Oh yeah. . . that's why you haven't already started throwing rice at him?! haha
    TRAITOR! :eek: Oh, Sheri, my faithful friend, how could you??? *bursts into tears* :p Lol! Anything to save your own skin? :rolleyes:
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