Queen Abbie the Brave

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  • Either did I, but it was a welcome suprise and as thou hast already stated it was cohesive to her nature. :)
    Thou are most welcome. Thank you for compliment, I have always been aware of a mysterious air around Ramandu's Daughter, but it wasn't until I saw her in VODT that I became enchanted by her. :)
    I'm glad you like it so far. You will find many elements in the story, including my speculation on the origin of the Calormenes. I can't swallow the idea that ALL humans who existed anywhere in the Narnian world before the Telmarines came were descendants of Frank and Helen; so I set out to figure a plausible way for some other people to come in and be the ancestors of the Calormenes.
    Greetings and welcome to The Dancing Lawn. I am Sir Godfrey, noble Knight of the Great Lion and King of Gondor. :)
    After you read "Southward," if you find that you enjoyed it, you might be so bold as to try reading my other Narnian fanfic--one which is FAR LESS properly Narnian, yet is serious in its way. It is called "Emmett and Queenie at Narnia's End," and actually it is not quite finished yet.
    Hello, I'm the resident grandfather. From your exchange with Mozart, I get the impression that you have read ALL of the Chronicles. Therefore, I can recommend to you my own Narnian fan fiction novel, "Southward the Tigers." It can be reached by going to any thread-post of mine, and clicking on the tiger image. The story takes place 17 years after "The Magician's Nephew"--that's 17 years of Narnian time.
    Nah, they didn't die- they just left our world and went to New Narnia... or at least they did die but it just never felt like it! It was so happy. And it was when I read that book that I found something I really want to do someday in Heaven: Swim/climb up a waterfall.:D
    Really? It made me very happy.:D
    The only thing is if my sister dares go into New Narnia and meets the Narnia Kids... well she'd better be glad that there is no fighting in Heaven.:p
    Why'd it make you sad though?
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