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  • :P I'm jealous too. I can only dream of making such good graphics like that. I do find Gimp quite hard to understand and work with, but I'm convinced the more I try I'll get better at it :D
    I didn't know Jonas was going to leave! If he goes, then really both the main characters which centre around the story will go, which in turn will surely have the same affect with the ratings. He's a fantastic Robin, I think a lot of people would be upset and it most definitely wouldn't be the same if Jonas were to be replaced. Usually, with this kind of situation, the show must end and be forever respected for it's success as what it was, rather than try to desperately keep it on with new actors.

    Animal planet is truly brilliant. Oh, and I do like Growing up as well :).

    lol I'm more into ancient history than modern history. I don't why, but it usually just bores me. For me, learning about ancient civilizations and cultures is so fascinating.
    So, I did find several a capella versions of Viva La Vida on youtube but none of the ones I saw had any beatboxing either. Darn. I'm glad you took the initiative and insisted on the adding the beatboxing. Makes it that much cooler. :p
    Oh I love Kristin Chenowaith. She is so adorable. haha. I've heard some of the songs on her "As I Am" album and she has such a talented voice. Amazing little woman with such bubbly personality. I'm not as familiar with Idina Menzel but I've heard good things about her. Didn't really get to see much of her in Enchanted which was a bummer but I'm sure I'll be seeing more of her work in the future.

    Yeah, Monty Python is an acquired taste. heehee. First time I saw one of their skits I thought it was the dumbest thing I'd ever seen. But after watching a few more, I have come across some that are rather clever and very entertaining. Plus, they're very quotable. Glad you would be interested in Spamalot though.
    I used to watch Robin Hood! That was a great show! Unfortunately I could never watch it with so much dedication as I was not always available at that particular time and day, but I would try to whenever I could. I loved it :). Animal Planet is amazing as well, I adore documentaries about anything really. Nature, science, miracle stories, culture, religion, history, etc. :)
    haha sorry if this may seem like snooping but I just had to see what you said to narniagirl13's "I heard you like Harry Potter?"

    btw my favorite character is Luna too ...well yeah..
    lol! Awesome!! I love the Harry Potter series! I'm in the middle of rereading the Deathly Hallows right now.
    Lol, I'm not a tv junkie at all. The only tv I watch is the news because of my journalism course, and yes, I admit, ALL SORTS OF CARTOONS! :D.
    Hey, i just posted something in teh writing sectin and i would be very appreciative if you checkd it out and commented
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