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  • I wish!:P

    It's really not about being famous, as I said. It's about being successful. I hope to be successful. I'm not sure in what but still....And since yours involves entertaining people, well you will be=D
    Tsskt you'll be successful in what you'll do. It seems like acting so far to me, maybe I just don't know enough.
    If it is acting, though, you will be known. You will.

    really? Oh...But you know Stephenie Meyer has kind of disappointed me :o
    She goes on about how Robert and Kristen are perfect and she acts like no one could have been good besides them. She seem to admire them a lot. But they don't seem to care about her. Especially after what Kristen said?
    I mean, I wish she'd be like everyone has their own image, and maybe even say we might find our Edward one day? but..no...its her love, twilight. :rollseyes:
    Hmmm I don't follow her too too much, I didn't like her at first, but didnt dislike her either, and then I was okay and then I was like I wish I were you, but I hope she's...good...you know? But she has this sort of solid confidence about her that's a tad bit...irritating?

    Actually I'd be okay if she left and Emily got on. I think I'd be ecstatic. I think A LOT of the original twilighters would be elated:D

    what do you mean by absuing?
    OMG freaks out
    we have some of the same hearts!!!
    okay I have a question. I'm so stupid for not having bookmarked it but I swear it was under "forests", can you please check?
    It's this image with a girl lying on the forest ground with a little tree in her hand? she looks like shes crying but you can't see her face I think.
    very lovely stuff! Your graphics are very cleanly made. All polished up. And isn't photobucket just the most convenient thing?=}
    yeah I'm always on we♥it. I've been browsing for a long time...I like looking at drawings also so that's why I like to follow the external links.
    I like artists like http://myspace.com/candybird

    but yeah I love love we♥it

    That's where I got the pics from where I asked you if you could make me a header:P

    May I have the password to your photobucket?:)

    browsing we♥it is just..the ultimate escape. I love art.
    well we♥it is only a bookmarking site. I've recently starting browsing deviantart, too. I've been browsing weheartit for a while but didn't make an account right away and was confused about the account at first but now i got that. And thank you:)

    I like art and so yeah that's why I browse deviantart.com if anything you can ask the artists questions:D

    omg I've never thought of that!
    so how is it going with you and acting. Btw I left you a comment on lj :D
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