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  • ok I noticed a little mistake in the picture I gave you, so I arranged it here


    well gosh i wouldn't know what to get those 200 year olds...:o...I guess oxygen tanks wouldn't do them any good no more. How about preservatives? :D hehe.
    you're sure it's fine, because if there's something worng on the banner tell me :) and you're welcome :p
    ok, here it is, hope you likke it


    I'll get you two o2 tanks, just in case. Man you're like, the oldest person I know on TDL...I mean your on 4,085 and I'm on a humble 71...so how old does that make me like 2? :( darn...lol
    wow...I better watch my mouth or you may attack me with your cyber cane!!!! lol sorry I couldn't resist!:p
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