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  • I know that now, learned my lesson last night. Read my prayer thread that will explain it better and how I am now.

    Thats good. My wounds paining me alot right now
    lol, I never use a book mark :p I just remember page numbers. I just say "237" aloud and I'm done.

    And wow, xkcd's latest is... well... ew =/
    No its not my illness. I deliberitatly hurt myself earlier today and now somethings going wrong, and Im getting scared. The bleedings not stopping, among other things
    Oh geez. Canadians... :p heheh, jk! I know a couple... XD
    Whoa...back up Sparky. Did you just MINUS the roller coasters?! Roller coasters are pretty much the amusement part of amusement parks...:p
    IT's called Valleyfair? haha, small, southern minnesotan fair. :p
    Oh my, sounds smashing! I heard Maine is really beautiful! :DD Lucky duck.
    Sort of, just went a little south to an amusement park. hehe. :p
    Oh smashing! Where'd you go vacationing? Geez, five wall posts? Is someone getting sloppy and unattentive over there?? :p jk dearie. ♥
    Ah yeah, it also annoys me when people hurt books :( Someone at my school almost ripped a book in half because his class was done reading it, and I snatched it from him... I hate the book, but I can't stand people ruining books for the sake of ruining them o.o

    lol, yeah, that one is pretty depressing. Firefly doesn't have any Asians :(
    jk, but yeah, I do like his occasional serious ones though, not only are they thought provoking, but it shows you can be funny and thoughtful, which a lot of people think you can only be one.

    And agreed, after I read that, I said it. haha, I had to.
    Excuse me, Miss. Why is it I haven't talked to you in forever?
    I would like that fixed, if you don't mind. Thanks, your a doll. ;) hehehe!
    lol, you're dating a librarian? Or you are a librarian who's dating someone? Haha :p jk
    My favorite character is the guy in the hat, because me and him can be almost too similar sometimes >.< My favorite with him is when he tries to break that girls heart on the bus, but she catches him (the diary and the blushing thing), and she takes his hat and says he'll never see her again, and then he pops out of the ice in a submarine and says "You made one mistake, I LIKE MY HAT"
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