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  • Thank you as always for your kindly interest. I am improving in my fitness efforts, because the weather is better now for being outside. I walked about ten miles today.
    How fun! I love dinner theater -- in fact my son was in a dinner theater run of The King and I (he was the crown prince who does not believe in snow). I hope the fair outing works out for you this year.
    I haven't posted in Steakhouse for several days; but you could simply say that you were at your greenhouse working on some new herbs. That would leave me free to post again without double-posting.
    Sounds like a wonderful organization. Have you been on a road trip with Hollywood Dreams before? Where did you go, and how long was the trip?
    Hi -- I'm doing well. Nice to be visiting TDL at the same time as you. Could you explain to me the significance of the name of your group, Hollywood Dreams? Does that mean you want to be an actress?
    Hello, Shortangel! Tomorrow is the one-year mark since my Janalee was called home to Heaven.
    hey shortangel, thank you for your kind message :) i'm managing pretty well at the moment. how's your week been so far?
    Yes, I am praying about such things.

    If you find time to post on "Steakhouse" at all, nothing complicated is needed. You can JUST say that you bring in plants for the steakhouse by the insane asylum. That will be enough.
    If you decide to "visit" the Steakhouse, you can do exactly what you used to do on the Affectionate Fighting thread: say that you bring in plants.
    The reason for the "Steakhouse" title is because of the old "Monologues" thread. That was comical roleplaying, and some of the scenes happened at a steakhouse.
    Well, you got that VM written at angelic speed!

    Seeing you on reminds me of our friend Bruiser. I wish I knew what became of her.
    Church was cancelled because of the blizzard. But I did shovel the snow in a Christian way. (-:
    I am fighting a great war: against bean soup, the kind you start by soaking a package of dried beans overnight. I should have soaked them for a WEEK. Something like TEN HOURS of boiling and simmering has been barely enough to make them edible.
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