Sir Godfrey
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  • Me too, although I didn't know two faces first name was Harvey Dent, but after seeing him toss the coins I was like 'Omgh two face' haha.
    I wander if they'll bring back the Joker, obviously it won't be Heath playing him, but he never died or got killed in the Dark Knight.
    I hope they don't bring Robin and Bat Girl into any of the movies. I think they just make Batman look less dark and powerful when he has childlike sidekicks espeically with Robins outfit.
    They also had the scarecrow in the beginning but his role was very short. I loved it, in the beginning, when there were like 10 Batman wannabes and Batmans like 'I dont need your help' hahaha very amusing. I also loved Morgan Freeman playing a moral role and Batmans advisor/outfit designer etc. He's like Q is for James Bond. I think he is one of the greatest actors ever!
    When I saw the trailers I honestly thought he was going to be one of the bad guys so throughout the whole movie I was expecting him to do something bad but he was actually a really decent person. I thought he acted his role very well especially with the spilt in personality after his face got burnt and Racheal was killed. It's really interesting the way they conveyed that even the best of people have dark sides and can be just as evil as anyone else. I did feel sorry for him though, he really loved Racheal. His face was a bit unrealistic, nobody gets that burnt, not that deeply anyway but I suppose they had to make it very vivid and visual to make him look more horrifying. What did you think of him?
    I also thought Batman was going to go and save Racheal.

    Cool. I wanted to work in retail but had to settle for the Pharmacy.
    Thats interesting because even though Maggie had a lot more lines and things to do in this movie I would have preferred it if they had stuck to Katie. I suppose its just because I don't like it when they change the actors/actresses in sequels. But Maggie did a good job too.
    I just watched the movie Awake, which was really good. Usually when I'm watching something I can always predict what is going to happen but with this movie there were so many twists that it was impossible to see the outcome. Have you seen it? This Friday I'm going to finally see Wall-E.

    Thats cool. Do you know what job you're going to be doing? Something related to your course?
    I 100% agree with you!
    I liked the fact that he added a little something extra, like continuously liking his lips, which made him look all that more creepy.
    Who do you think played a better Racheal, Katie or Maggie?
    Really? how much did it get in the first week at the box office in the US?
    Is Heath going to get that award?
    I'm not sure how they are going to beat this one.

    Thats cool. So you don't have a summer job? Are you in college?
    Definately. To be honest he made the movie! so twisted and crazy. I loved the part when he was in a nurses outfit, so funny. Do you think there will be another one?
    I also loved the way they put two of Batmans villains into the same movie, Joker and Two Face.
    I think I might just go and see it. My friends have been praising it so it must be worth watching.
    This summer I've practically lived at the cinema lol. What have you been up to?
    I saw the trailer for the Clone Wars and to be honest it wasn't really that appealing.
    I've seen The Dark Knight. I thought it ws awesome. Heath did such a great job! It was definately better than the first one.
    The Mummy was quite good and apparently Wall-E is really good too. So you havent seen Wanted?
    I'm pretty cool... having fun and happy I'm get to play the organ in our little church band! :D Haven't talked to ya for a while, how are you?
    Hey Jeff, what's up? I hope things are going well for you! Sorry I haven't been on IM much. My home computer is not doing may be on it's last legs. But chatting with ya is a blast my friend! I miss it bro.
    yah, that could be it.
    wow! those classes sound awsome! i already know how to counsel but would love to take the Hebrew one!!!! :D
    yeah, it's pretty sad.
    but yes, for sure, Jesus freaks for life=D
    they see us as other kind of freaks though, like Christians are pretty judgemental, and some churches do the "hellhouse" thing during halloween, where people can go and experience hell basically, and that's their way of making people come to God. which I think, is just horrible, and definitely not the way we lead someone to God.
    oh no, I don't believe in the evolution theory..but now that I re-read what I just wrote, it seems like I did mean that. haha, I guess I'm not fully awake yet=P
    but yeah, I get your point now. which I definitely agree with. but scientists are doing a good job at hiding the Truth, cause probably 70% of my school believes that they're their own god, and that there is no true God.
    they also think Christians are total freaks=/
    hey jeff!
    i havent talked with you in like forever.
    im doing good. just working on moving and college-mindedness and such
    how are you doing?
    yeah, I definitely need to balance my time.
    but yeah, we definitely need science in this world, but alot of people say scientists contradict God.
    like, they try to find ways of replacing God, telling people that we were made on our own, that there is no God who created us and the earth and everything on earth. which is kinda true, the evolution theory, and then the big bang theory and all that. we don't know HOW God made the earth, but yeah..I don't know, I've never really been interested in science, it's probably cause I don't think logically at all, haha
    oh awesome! I'm glad you're enjoying your summer then=)
    but yeah, I kinda drifted away from God at the beginning of this summer, I'm coming back to Him though. i've realized my life is pretty much worthless without him.
    I've been great! some not so great things have happened this summer, but God definitely helped me, and is still helping me through them and pulled me out of them.
    how are you? how's your summer so far?
    why hello there! it sure has been awhile since I last talked to you. this is Gaby by the way, haha, I switched my username.
    how's it going?!
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