Sir Godfrey
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  • yes! I am walking to Concerning Hobbits :D
    lol, well i cant have to much "epicness" cuz in some parts need to remain sacred...
    oh I'm not surprised :p ;)
    I love hobbityness! so there will probably be a lot of it :D
    hahahaha! yes, he thinks its "cute"
    You like that name, don't you? ;)
    I will tell you, but don't spread it around. ;) I made...TV dinners! *Hides face in shame!*
    To be truthful, tis a treat for the dear little sisters. Daddy and brother are gone and so is older sister. Only five of us here (including mother) making it lonely! ;)
    Ah...thou must get into the country! The creative juices just flow! ;)
    I must go for a moment...dinner for the girls! ;) brb
    Well, we are on five acres...there are pine trees everywhere! hilly, farm and fields lining everything. There are some beautiful places... dreamy sometimes. I love to go out at night and just lay in the grass and look at the stars and moon. The nights are simply beautiful! What is more...this is home because my family is here. I think that makes it so much more beautiful than it really is! :)
    Ah, I feel the same about Cali. My father lived there and they ran a returaunt. He speeks of it soooo often. :)
    My mother was raised here a good deal (father in the Army too) so I have seen where she grew up. :)
    Are you really?! The church that looks over ours is there! Do you have famliy there?
    We are only about 2 hours from there. :)
    I would send you one....but somehow I don't think it would get there in good shape. Tis a long journey from Bama to Cali!
    lol...well, I suppose so. :D Ah, I do love to cook! The other day I made a chocolate cake and filled them with a cream cheese mixture of my own....mmmm they were pretty good if you like cheesecake kind of things!
    Thou art a great encouragment! I often fear that I will not...but I shall give it my upmost effort!
    I owe it to my mother...she has taught me all I blessed I am to have her! I laugh that whenever my husband thanks me or compliments me for a meal...he will have to call momma dear and thank her too! ;)
    Yes...the way to a man's heart it through his stomach. ;)
    I hath worked my whole like to get my cooking skills good...there are few things I enjoy more than making a full meal for my family! :D
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