Sir Godfrey
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  • I looked it up before you sent me the link. ;) I like it! It has great meaning...I would have to listen to it many times to get it to where I can sing it...but perhaps I shall try it at some point! :D
    What did you think of the one I showed you?
    I am trying to think of a good song to karaoke. I am longing for a good one...has been a while since I have tried a new one. Any ideas?
    Indeed! Tis also why we must know the Bible. If we know what is good...then we shall, in turn, know what is bad!
    Amen! We must pick the good out from the bad. These days they can look much the same...they are mixed together.
    Indeed, it is the I said in my post on Truth Seekers...that matters!
    I think it is important to be IN not OF the world.
    What did you mean by this? Sorry! I know I seem ignorant... ;)

    "You should done your coat of arms, so that the fates may know you as I do, Anna Pendleton, Dame of Alabama."
    I agree...we are not robots. :) God does like to see us happy, as long as we are happy because He gives us the grace to be so.
    Would you consider a pastor who dedicates his whole life to the service of Christ's church to be a "robot"?
    Well, I think that our purpose in life is to glorify Him. That is why we are here. To serve and glorify Him. Do we not agree here?
    I also think that perfection is a pointless goal...all I was saying is that that should be our target and we should try to get as close to it as we can. :)
    Too true.
    And we must always strive to be as close to perfect as possible...because no matter what, we will never be perfect so we can try to be as close to it as possible. :)
    I just started writing a novel...modern mystery. I am making it a Christian book. When I first started writing, I was afraid to put God in it, afraid that I would never get published...but the longer I thought about it and the older I got I realized...So what if people don't buy it? At lease I will have done my duty.
    I am about 9,000 words in so far...hope I can keep it up! Would you pray that I finish it and that it goes well?
    Indeed...I feel like I fail my Christ so often. I grieve at my lack of wisdom. I pray that one day I shall know everything...though I know I never will. ;)
    Yes! Agreed!
    As I said, the balance can be a hard thing to master.
    We must be kind to all, yet truthful. What hurts the most sometimes can be the mosting saving thing of all!
    The Truth can hurt. We may speak the truth in love, yet it will still be taken with hate.
    I thank you! Not many people read it, I think so it can be discouraging at times.
    Yes...I was thinking about all the people who are not homeschooled and still follow Christ, but are always seeing how everyone is talking about Homeschooling and being a Christian as if you can't have one without the other. I wanted to remind the readers (and myself) why we are here...what our purpose is and who we are here for.
    I am glad to find another believer who agrees. :D
    And yes...many Christians are roud, pompus, and egotistical ...I pray not to be this way, but I also want to not be like the Pharisees (sp?) who looked down on others because they thought them above others.
    It can be easy to lose the balance.
    What are your thoughts on how we can have balance by not being to judgmental when we speak the truth? I hope I did not come across this way in the post I did on Truth Seekers?
    This is a hard thing to do...but you did the right thing! "What profits a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?"
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