Sir Godfrey
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  • I'm doing quite lovely, thank you! Haven't been here on TDL for awhile though. How are you?
    I'm so glad that you're back! I've missed you. Did you get the email I sent to you long ago, right after you said you were leaving? I used the address in your contact info but didn't know if it was the right one.
    Yeah, it's just...we don't have any work coming in. I was planning on looking for a job after the summer was over but...I just can't wait now. Things are just too bad for me not to have something coming in.

    But honestly, I didn't want to go out to work yet. And I just got an email this morning that the place I put an application in for....and they won't hire me. So, now I don't know where to apply or what to do. Jobs are so scarce.
    Just life. It's really hard when things change that you don't want to change just yet. But sometimes there isn't a choice.
    my teacher rocks he loves sweets so when he can't eat all of them whatever he got left we eat them yum! mostly they are cookies or cake I love the cake he had last year before Christmas break. It was a yellow cake with white icing with peppermint on top yum. this year I made him ginger bread cookies and he loved them yay. This year is new and I'm trying to lose weight and get me a new job :)
    Nice I'm kind of glad I'm back at school I'm not alone all the time -sigh- after my doggy pasted away it has been hard for me :( we are going to have a cat name woody for a month so that would be good.
    yep yep I've been stressed out last year because of my ex best friend spreading rumors about me and then dated a best bf ever until he messed that up. So this year has been good to me so far :)
    I'm pretty well just going to school I got a month left of it :) and now a model for cons so I get free cosplays :)
    That sounded quite poetic.... in a good way of course. Ah, I know how those trials are. I'm not having a good time of it on this end either. I'll be praying for ya!
    Too true. It has eased up a little. Thanks to the prayers of my youth group and church family. It made the passing of a loved one better to handle. So, how has life been treating ya?
    Though mine was because of heartbreak, I do understand why you left. But I know what you mean with the familiar faces. It's what brought me back :)
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