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  • aw ok; you're welcome :D..i was only telling the truth :); yeah that can help a lot, if you really know the character that you're rping with and then you you're not absolutely clueless about them when you start out.
    that's ok; nightcrawler_fan can't do it anymore either 'cause she's busy with schoolwork...*mutters darkly* stupid schoolwork; know of anyone that can be them in your place? i don't think anyone else would be able to replace you 'cause you were really good at doing them but sadly, we'll have to :(.
    Well, take it from one who has graduated not only from High school, but College, enjoy it while you can. Trust me.
    yeah well I actually really like high school, but sometime I just can't wait until college... only one year and a few months!!! lol...
    oh and once you register, can you please let me know if its the same as on here or if it's different? if it's different, please tell me what it is. i'll look for you on dc (dragon cave) forum in the online members list (if you're online at the time) and add you as a contact :).
    ok; you go to the link i gave you in my "new location" etc thread, it'll say "welcome guest" and it has "log in" and "register" in parens next to it at the top underneath "site home" and "rules"..only log in and register are underlined; then after you register, you have to post in the introductions forum to let the other users to meet you and then you can post elsewhere; that's how you do it but if you have any other questions regarding it, you're always welcome to ask me :). i haven't posted the character list yet but i will soon as soon as i know your username and a couple of others. ok cool :).

    ps - my username is dragonpelt; when i'm online, it'll say my name under the online members list at the bottom of the first says "132 (or another number) user(s) online active in the past 5 minutes" and then underneath that it says "31 (or another number) guests, 92 members 9 anymous members" or you can go to the "show detailed by" area and then click on member name and it'll have a list of all the members in alphabetical order.
    coolies :); have you registered on the site yet? oh and hannah (gentle voice) and i discussed what we were going to do with the thread: like if we were going to continue where we left off or if we were going to start it again from the beginning. we decided on the last because if we get people new to it who would like to be kid flash, hotspot, or a permanent mas y menos (all those we still need, by the way), they'll know what happened from the beginning and won't be confused later and interrupt while we are rping and whatnot. just letting you know; i'll also discuss it with kim (dayhawk68) as well and korkoa :).
    are you still going to be nightwing, joker, and speedy? i was going to make the character list on the forum and i just wanted to check to see if you're the same characters as before :).
    ok Jonathon. Its a nice name anyways. And yes, I'll give you credit for the Shakespearean option, but I haven't actually seen/read the play and my parents aren't big fans of Shakespeare either... But I believe that the name "Ariel" is mentioned twice in the Bible... If you know your Bible, Ariel was a man in Ezra who didn't marry a foreign girl, so he's recorded as one of those that followed the law. And another time in Isaiah, there's a whole chapter about Ariel, a city... but I think it was a warning chapter saying you'll soon be destroyed kind of thing...
    Hi Jonathon! Sorry if I sometimes misspell your name to Jonathan because I have a friend who doesn't want to be called Jon or anything else but JONATHAN. lol do people call you Jon? well I feminized my username since I'm a girl hah. but no, my parents named me for the meaning of my name, not by the Little Mermaid. Although, I have plenty of friends who insist on calling me Little Mermaid and that gets really annoying after awhile because they think its funny but I don't because the joke got old like... um... 10 years ago.
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