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  • i can help you there; you just copy the link,, and then you go to edit sig on the quick links, go to insert image, put in the link and it should show up bbc code style in the body; if you want, you can also center it so it's centered and you can also add other text as well to it. hope that helps :). also you're very welcome and thanks; it took me awhile to figure out how to get it into paint from microsoft word.
    i'm done with it :); it looks like you're offline but i'll post the link here to it so you can preview it before you put in your sig. here it is: your banner. sorry for the smeared text :eek:; it does that and i have no control over it...if you can see it well, then i guess it's ok but otherwise sorry again :cool:.
    well when you post it in your sig, you can credit me by putting my username at the bottom :p. you're very welcome again; i like helping out new members :D. other than crediting me for it, i don't think you can do anything else but i'll let you know if i think of something :).
    i found some from Yahoo! images that i could use but thanks for the offer, though :). once i put it in photobucket, i'll link it here so you can preview it before you put it in your sig :).
    ok and do you like the idea of having four lions in each of the corners? i found something with "the two majesties" pic that really brings out the sunset; once i figure out how to get it out of microsoft word and into paint and then into photobucket, i'll link for you to see :).
    actually now that i look at "the two majesties" pic i'll just do that one as the background instead of the serengeti. that's a good bible verse and it's not too long :). where do you want it, though: middle or at the bottom? as to me doing this for you, you're very welcome :).
    ok i can do that :); i was also thinking of having the background be the african serengeti too but that painting might also work. i'll look for it and look at it and see what i can do :); i also found 4 different pics of lions that i was thinking could go in the four corners of the background and then have text either in the middle or at the bottom of it. if you want text to be put on it, you'll have to let me know what to put :p :).
    yes and yes; i have microsoft office 2007 and it has an effect where you can blur the image in corners or whatever. i thought it was cool so i did it :).
    The movie was wayyy different from the book. I still loved the movie, though. But I wish they stuck to the book more. :D
    i like the lion idea :); i can do a banner with different poses of lions and have some text in the middle or bottom of it. what would you like for a background? if you look at my albums, (most specifically the one with pics i made in paint), i have a pic that has a background :).
    uhm i don't know since i haven't made banners for other people before. my friend, dayhawk68, made me a banner of Argent from the Teen Titans show; she took my suggestion but if you have pictures that you're willing to give to me in order to make your banner, then sure i'll do that :).
    do you know what you want in it yet? when you do, let me know and i'll try the best i can to put whatever you want in there with paint :).
    hello :); i see you've got an avie pic...hooray for you :D! if you want a banner, i might be able to make it for you if you'd like but i don't have adobe photoshop; only paint but if you don't care what program is used to make your banner, i guess that's ok too :).
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