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  • Can you give me your phone number? My e-mail service is down indefinitely. My phone is 410-615-4772.
    Yes, I was aware of your losses of lions, though Freeway's demise was news to me.

    I understand you not knowing what to say about Carol. I can, however, ASK YOU not to say one thing in particular. NEVER EVER say or suggest that my ex and I are "friends." With the nationwide acceptance of easy divorce, the "still friends" drivel has become a standard way of trivializing the calamity. I do in fact forgive Carol; I still love her; I behave civilly to her; and I even will do active good turns for her when there's occasion for it. But I will NOT call her a "friend." Friends DON'T DO to you what Carol did to me.
    Hello dear friend of mine.. I had to think about you. Wonder how you are doing.
    I thought of you when I was at the San Diego Zoo in April. It was sprinkling lightly almost all day so the big cats were out playing! They were magnificent.

    Now for my request: If you are so inclined,
    please vote on your favorite Narnian riddle from our latest contest...
    Praying for courage like a big cat and strength of faith to cover you like the sky
    I got an e-mail notice of a message here from you, but now I see no message here! It said "In Denver in May," so I will tell you I expect to be around.
    Hi Tim, you still remember me? Don't know if you're still coming here... How are you doing? :)
    Shortangel brought your "Why" thread to my attention. I am not giving up on prayers FOR you and AGAINST the wicked.
    that is so neat. how did you get into a career like that? also, how long have you been doing it?
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