OMG! Do you like That '70s Show too? Haha, me and my sis are obsessed with it. We made a Social Group for it, if you wanna join. There's only one other person in it right now...
Well, even without an art degree, sometimes one can break into it. For instance, if someday an organization you know is having any kind of festival, you might be allowed to set up a booth or table to sell (for THEIR benefit) art items made by you.
I know you weren't thinking of the worldwide picture when you told me about one girl being stupid and weak. But for myself, my career has taught me to look at what goes on in the world.
I'm glad you got the device back. As for the stupid, wimpy girl: education systems have been working HARD, and on purpose, to MAKE young people be stupid, because it's easier to turn stupid people into slaves than to turn smart people into slaves.