
The hair, really, is the only thing right now that's bothering me. The beardything, I can deal with but ... that hair must be cut!
I have a lot of siblings ... haha. I have five biological siblings: Charlie, who is 19 but still a high school senior (he missed a lot of 7th grade because he was ill so he repeated), Charlotte, who is 18 and also a senior, Adele who is 17, and then it's me, then my brother Devon, who is 13, and then my sister Maeve, who is 8. And then there's Africa and Harris, who were our foster siblings. Africa's parents were my parents' best friends and they died a few years back so she came and spent about two years with us before going off to Queens Uni of Belfast, where she is now. Harris is sixteen like me, and he was our foster sib when we were like, four and five. He got adopted by my aunt, though, so I see him a lot still.