Sleepy Mouse
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  • Hope (a.k.a. Wood Nymph) and I would appreciate your praying for a young Coloradan man who is far less able to bear his troubles bravely than you are to bear yours. I met Mike Ryan at the Renaissance Festival in August. Getting his contact information there, I've had on-and-off communication with him since then.
    Sleepy Mouse
    Sleepy Mouse
    I'm so sorry to hear that. I truly am. Maybe she should not go to church. Take a break from it and just try to focus on growing her relationship with the Lord. Reading the Bible and praying and learning from solid Bible based teachers will help. I can relate. Being hurt by people who claim to be "Christians" suck. Church burn sucks. I'm praying for her!
    A combination of eyesight problems and memory problems makes reading ANYTHING with depth a problem for Hope. I do talk to her about my own favorite Scriptures; most recently, the parts of Job which affirm life after death.
    Sleepy Mouse
    Sleepy Mouse
    There are quite a few good audio Bibles out there on the internet. She could try listening to one a bit at a time. Also, singing good, solid hymns helps in times of distress, frsutration, or anger.
    I only just now got my laptop back from the shop, and ALREADY it is fighting bitterly AGAINST receiving charge in its battery.
    Sleepy Mouse
    Sleepy Mouse
    That stinks! Can you replace the battery? You might be able to fo that. If I remember laptop batteries can be pricy but not wallet killing.
    Turned out it was the power cable, not the internal battery. My laptop's okay now.

    \\\ Oops, I already told you this in August.
    Sleepy Mouse
    Sleepy Mouse
    LOL. No problem! Glad that the problem was solved. :D
    Mouse is in the house! Spent the morning doing research on YA books. And I'll tell you, it's a sheer. bloody travesty as to what goes for kids' literature now a days. Well, I guess it's time I brush the dust from my quill and paper and get to work. Maybe I can contribute something of worth to the YA literary world. It can't be any worse than the drivel out there anyway, can it?
    I'm _finally_ back! It was the charging unit, not the internal battery, which most lately needed to be replaced.

    You're so right about youth fiction. On the Y-A shelves in bookstores, 98 percent of covers depict an unbeatable super-chick, who leaps over mountains without even looking, and who _never_ needs help from anything male.
    Sleepy Mouse
    Sleepy Mouse
    So tired of all these girls bosses. It's ridiculous. Along with all the unbridled vitriol, venom, and hatred that is constantly spewed out against men. There's a huge difference between a strong, confident woman who treats her male counterparts with decency and respect and the snarky, snotty, spoiled, self-centered she-man that has taken over books, tv, and movies.
    Some things are made of the dark with blackholes for cores. Some things are made of the dark, with glowing centers. Most things that dwell within the dark emit rancor, malice, envy, hate. These things revile the light and despise what is opposite of them. Other things, while they dwell in the darkness, see the light, desperately trying to grasp it, searching for a way to become light.
    Listening to the pattering of icy rain against a grey lit window.
    I confess that I can't remember if I saw these remarks before; but they clearly bear a connection to the thoughts you more lately expressed. Be advised that Wood Nymph IS interested in correspondence.
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