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  1. Sleepy Mouse

    So tired of all these girls bosses. It's ridiculous. Along with all the unbridled vitriol...

    So tired of all these girls bosses. It's ridiculous. Along with all the unbridled vitriol, venom, and hatred that is constantly spewed out against men. There's a huge difference between a strong, confident woman who treats her male counterparts with decency and respect and the snarky, snotty...
  2. Sleepy Mouse

    That stinks! Can you replace the battery? You might be able to fo that. If I remember laptop...

    That stinks! Can you replace the battery? You might be able to fo that. If I remember laptop batteries can be pricy but not wallet killing.
  3. Sleepy Mouse

    Quoth the Raven, hey, Sleepy Mouse!
  4. Sleepy Mouse

    Quoth the Raven, hey, Sleepy Mouse!

    Poe has had a major influence in literature and around the world. I had a Japanese friend who told me about a Japanese author who was heavily influenced by Poe. Sadly, I cannot remember that author's name.
  5. Sleepy Mouse

    Mouse is in the house! Spent the morning doing research on YA books. And I'll tell you, it's a...

    Mouse is in the house! Spent the morning doing research on YA books. And I'll tell you, it's a sheer. bloody travesty as to what goes for kids' literature now a days. Well, I guess it's time I brush the dust from my quill and paper and get to work. Maybe I can contribute something of worth to...
  6. Sleepy Mouse

    Quoth the Raven, hey, Sleepy Mouse!

    For your historical persuing pleasure!
  7. Sleepy Mouse

    Quoth the Raven, hey, Sleepy Mouse!

    I didn't realize that it's been a year since I posted to this thread! Shame on me! I'm going to try to be more diligent and post at least once a week. apologies for my lack of diligence.
  8. Sleepy Mouse

    Self Publishing: Best Plarform to publish book?

    Just took a peek. Looks like they're still there. I shall investigate more fully later. Now to get ideas onto paper, so to speak. LOL Thank you for the information!
  9. Sleepy Mouse

    Self Publishing: Best Plarform to publish book?

    Hello! I'm plotting out a book, possibly short story. But, not entirely sure where to get it published. Are there any platforms that get decent traffic, reasonable fees, and easy to use?
  10. Sleepy Mouse

    Introduction Thread II

    Where is the Professor's Writing Club?
  11. Sleepy Mouse

    Quoth the Raven, hey, Sleepy Mouse!

    The Tell Tale Heart was my very first introduction to Poe. I became an instant fan. I try to encourage students to at least try reading Poe. It's a good feeling when others come to appreciate his work.
  12. Sleepy Mouse

    Quoth the Raven, hey, Sleepy Mouse!

    The weather was absolutely amazing today. Heavy, rounded clouds sailed slowly overhead in a grey sky. A chill biting wind blew from the north and cut through my coat and sweater. The temptation to sleep was nigh overwhelming... I went inside, clicked on a lamp, and had a conversation with my...
  13. Sleepy Mouse

    Quoth the Raven, hey, Sleepy Mouse!

    Nice mind bender this one!
  14. Sleepy Mouse

    Quoth the Raven, hey, Sleepy Mouse!

    One of my favorite E.A. Poe tales.
  15. Sleepy Mouse


  16. Sleepy Mouse


  17. Sleepy Mouse

    Some things are made of the dark with blackholes for cores. Some things are made of the dark...

    Some things are made of the dark with blackholes for cores. Some things are made of the dark, with glowing centers. Most things that dwell within the dark emit rancor, malice, envy, hate. These things revile the light and despise what is opposite of them. Other things, while they dwell in the...