jasmine tarkheena

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  • Good story details made the scene "real." But pay attention to VERB TENSES. In the post which describes meal preparation, "It will convinced" is supposed to be FUTURE tense, thus no D at the end. "He still want" needs to be PAST tense. "Now you could see" needs to be "CAN see."
    You don't need to explain to ME about the demands of life. If you're not aware of this already, I am the real-world guardian of "Wood Nymph;" and being a father-substitute for her is an EIGHT-days-a-week job.

    Catching up on the Tirian story: if Baby Adinah can close her hand around Jill's FIGURE, Jill must be awfully thin.
    Hi Jasmine...
    I was thinking about your pastor and his family as they travel the long grey road of mourning... I pray that the Lord would be a shield about them and that His presence, provision and peace would be a refuge to them (especially to your pastor).
    "How did you get in here?", asked Marietta. \\ "I've found a secret passageway", said Emeth, "I guess Rishda had no idea he set one up."

    Not clear. Are you saying that RISHDA didn't know about RISHDA creating a secret passage??
    jasmine tarkheena
    jasmine tarkheena
    Well, at least Rishda wasn't aware of it. It's likely that the construction workers built the secret passage without his knowledge.
    jasmine tarkheena
    jasmine tarkheena
    And of course, I guess there will be no more secrets.
    Near the end of your most recent Last Battle post, I failed until just now to notice a modernism.

    Emeth should never address any woman as "baby."
    jasmine tarkheena
    jasmine tarkheena
    I don't know if readers would care about that now.

    If they did, what would he referred to her as? "Sweet one?"
    Sweet one, fair one, beauteous one, radiant one, fairest of maidens.
    jasmine tarkheena
    jasmine tarkheena
    Noted. It's harder than I thought.
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