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  1. she-elfwarrior19

    Fave bad guy in the CON

    What would you fave bad guy be in the CON, who had a great charectar in the books, and was great for a villain. Mine is The white witch, she is great, she has always been one of my fave bad guyd in the books, i just like her shes cool, for a bad person, she has a very cool chllingniss about her-...
  2. she-elfwarrior19


    i think i must have the american ones then.
  3. she-elfwarrior19

    New narnia board games?

    WAIT, i was just reading over the last page of this thread, Narnia opoly!! SWEETTTT, awesome, or did i read wrong are you guys just making up ideas>??
  4. she-elfwarrior19

    New narnia board games?

    hey tarky, yer avvie is neat, it looks cool and "icy"
  5. she-elfwarrior19


    uh theres 1??right?????
  6. she-elfwarrior19

    Does anyone get nostalgic about the animated version?

    the music in the animated is so beautiful it almost makes me cry,i wish they wouldput that soundtrack out.
  7. she-elfwarrior19

    What type of CON books do you have?

    I have a few sets i have the colored CON, the all in one with the big aslan head on the cover, and a newer version to me,what version do you have?I will try to add each version i have, with a pic of it so you know what i mean.
  8. she-elfwarrior19

    Im buying a few new bookmarks

    I was at one of ym fave books stores ( Coles) and i was looking at the variety of bookmarks they have, then all of the sudeen i see LWW ones!! One with Aslan, the WW, peter, edmund, susan. they are wicked, im gonna buy a few.They are so neat!!!!!
  9. she-elfwarrior19

    New narnia board games?

    hahahahahaah narnoploly, good one, hey Tarky i like yer avvie, that from the cover of the LWW newer book cover version right? Cuz on ym boxset, the lWW one is like that. wicked!
  10. she-elfwarrior19

    I was reading an article on the internet

    I was reading an article and it was talking about how Edmund was the little Word Removed [naughty boy] or something,but he turned into a nice guy right? Ok then they were talking about how in LWW Aslan( Jesus) dies to save edmund( in the bible it is to save us all). And when you think about it...
  11. she-elfwarrior19

    Does anyone get nostalgic about the animated version?

    sweet link, yap its the best i really wasnt interested in the bbc version,
  12. she-elfwarrior19

    If you could have a few fantasy creatures as friends what ould you have?

    me, i love centaurs, unicorns, flying horses, minotaurs. I Think if i could have a unicorn as a friend that would be wicked. SOr a centaur, or a flying horse...
  13. she-elfwarrior19

    Fave hobbit?

    Who would be your fave hobbit? Either in the books, or the movies? Me i think Pippen is my fave in the books and the movies, i also love the actor who plays him, he's great( hes cute to!). I thnik my leats fave would be frodo, sorry to the frodo lovers but i hate him, in the movies,he is ok in...
  14. she-elfwarrior19

    Trying my best

    i have this art thing that i did a while ago, i want to show you guys, but im having trouble with attatching the picture of my art on this reply so im gonna try. Can anyone help me and give me detailed steps on how to do this?lol ;)
  15. she-elfwarrior19

    Fave Narnian king

    I love every king that ruled in Narnia. But i have a fave, Tirian, he is brave, strong, loyal, and the way Lewis' described him made Tirian even more... oh i dunno. But the way he is described, he sounds so hotttttt! lol. So who is yer fave king?
  16. she-elfwarrior19

    Does anyone get nostalgic about the animated version?

    i love the animated. That was my first narnia movie ever. I havent seen the bbc ones, accpept the voyage of the dawn treader,(which i thought was a horrible movie, about the book). Well i suppose Edmund looked like that guy from magic skewl bus, but not to much though lol. And welcome Meatballs
  17. she-elfwarrior19


    Is there any Troy fans out there? Anyways who would be your fave charectar? Mine would have to be Achilles. Or Hectar. I love orlando bloom, he did good oplaying prince Paris but he seems as a coward in the movie as Paris's charecter
  18. she-elfwarrior19

    Narnia Audio Tapes

    I have rented all of them from my libary once, they are quite fun to listen to, actually the only one the library doesnt have sadly is last battle where did you get them rosymole?
  19. she-elfwarrior19

    Waterhsip Down

    Currently i'm reading the book Watership Down, its great so far. Are there any fans out there who have read or are reading the book?