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  1. Copperfox

    And Rock Begot Metal

    HermoineLucyRedek-Chase : Since I last posted here, Wood Nymph and I encountered "Darlene" again, at a different club. Precisely _because_ we had not bugged her in the interval, "Darlene" willingly _opened_ a conversation with us. Meanwhile, we've also made acquaintance with _another_...
  2. Copperfox


    "Darius just thinks that you think I’m a parrot, you know, relaying messages to me when he can hear you perfectly fine.” Your protagonist certainly doesn't like being condescended to. (I think you meant to write, "--relaying messages to HIM.")
  3. Copperfox

    Quoth the Raven, hey, Sleepy Mouse!

    When I was a teenager-through-college-age, Mister Poe was such a popular source for horror movies, that one studio made a HUGE stretch. They took a single PHRASE from one of his extra- pessimistic poems-- three words, "the conqueror worm"-- and made it the TITLE of a movie which otherwise had no...
  4. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    Crackshot Warrant Officer Sinchoodi-939 had a forward operating base within sight of the area through which a tunnel connected the two Congregation enclaves on Planet Stretch. Helicopter-equivalents belonging to the United Civilizations Army (a dedicated ground-ops force, unlike the Space...
  5. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    Change of scene, still in the Heyho continuity: Gustaf Everett, whose Marines had previously collected priceless information about the Congregation arising to supplant the Introductories, had survived to rise to the rank of major. Preserving the nickname of Everett's Endrunners...
  6. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    Tavisha Ellicott existed in the enigmatic borderland between martial fortitude and luxuriant femininity. Her life had been lived with one foot in the comprehensible world of affection, marriage, family and stability, and her other foot in a technical career which would have been baffling to her...
  7. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    Next we pick up Johnny-747, Avery Thompson, Terence Forsythe, two squads of Space Marines, and Cortexa on Planet Dustoff. Just as the genuine Halo game piles up changes atop changes within less than a decade as the characters experience time, I've had "The Friendless" pop up to compete with "The...
  8. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    STILL DRAFTING, BUT NOW GETTING AT NARRATIVE ===> I need to recap WHERE Snack Salad, Noherra Salad, Jacob Mossyhutch, Raquel Mossyhutch, Karbeena Owtfeeld, Zubdookree and Lodratrid have gotten to since I left them. Also see where I left things with Apishbox of the Juggernasty race. It was he...
  9. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    CATCHING UP ON WHAT I DID WITH "HALO" CONCEPTS: The sci-fi war game "Halo" is like "Star Trek," insomuch as it lavishly imagines ancient ultra-powerful everything-doing aliens having invented ultra-powerful everything-doing technology which, well, can do everything. Human characters...
  10. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    That night, having gone unassaulted in daylight, the hunters kept TWO men on watch at all times. Dry firewood ran out; but five seconds after midnight, Roger spell-spoke: "For the rest of the night, let our wet fuel burn as easily as if dry." So the fire stayed bright; and the last pair of...
  11. Copperfox

    Share a pic not of yourself

    Doris Roberts, Sam Simon, Jason _______, and the child Judith were unfamiliar to me.
  12. Copperfox

    Self Publishing: Best Plarform to publish book?

    My sister in New York published my "Tale of Sophia Renee" for me on ""-- which I think has changed its company name since then.
  13. Copperfox

    Star Wars -- ONE thread for all Star Wars - ALL Star Wars here

    Those who think that the only way for Luke Skywalker NOT to be "impossibly perfect" was for him to become 100 percent gutless, clueless and useless until the last five minutes of Episode 8, are free to like what they like. But it is NOT ONLY "toxic males" who are pushing back against the...
  14. Copperfox


    Greetings in the Name of the Lion! Sorry I didn't notice you sooner! One of the most important things to understand about the Chronicles is that they CONTAIN COMPARISONS, but they are not AN ALLEGORY. Aslan is NOT a symbol of a metaphor of a hint of an analogy of a fable of someone who kind...
  15. Copperfox


    Me talking to myself was not a good look within the building of a psychologist. I love that line !!!
  16. Copperfox


    Many parents underestimate the ability of their children to process the subjects which adults discuss.
  17. Copperfox

    A Christian Life In Lyrics

    Sleepy Mouse : Back in the days of the Jesus Movement, churches were _participatory!_ And meaning no offense to liturgical folks here, the participation was not _limited_ to verbatim reciting of a lectionary. Singing, likewise, was not _only_ hymns or praise choruses. Any member of a...
  18. Copperfox

    A Christian Life In Lyrics

    Sleepy Mouse, this is my old thread which I mentioned to you. I invite you to read it all through.
  19. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    Manually setting up menu-code for scenes on Jersey Earth. The next three or more posts will feature the rugged Roger Tree Root, the Algonquin Indian magic-user. That's the fellow who can make up all sorts of spells, but only four per day (unless he sets up a "carry-over" in advance). All...
  20. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    Manually setting up menu-code for scenes on Jersey Earth. Note that Jorge Feliciano, a police commander from Wisconsin, has the specialized Fuss power to slow down physical movement, even of a free-falling object. We will find him in Sudan with Kahilu Baloval, the Angolan technopath. On...