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  1. Sir Godfrey

    Welcome (back) to the Dancing Lawn!

    I was very active in ‘13 and before. I returned because oddly I dreamed of this site recently, and I encountered someone with Reepicheep username on another forum.
  2. Sir Godfrey

    Jurassic Park / World

    What I find a beautiful full circle, is Alan and Ellie survived the Park (Isla Nublar), and its truama, and now the world is ths park. All along they were being prepared as forerunners for a new world, Jurassic World.
  3. Sir Godfrey

    Narnia In what order should the Chronicles of Narnia be read?

    The most obvious reason is that you read The Magician’s Nephew first which features Digory Kirk, who is the grown up Professor in TLWW. You learn how the Wardrobe became magical, why Jadis is in Narnia and not Charn. Reading The Horse and His Boy after TLWW makes sense because it takes place...
  4. Sir Godfrey

    Jurassic Park / World

    I am a major JP/JW fan. I am looking forward to JW Dominion (2022), especislly the return of Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neil), and Dr. Ellie Sadler (Laura Dern).
  5. Sir Godfrey

    Star Wars -- ONE thread for all Star Wars - ALL Star Wars here

    Yes, she is the daughter of the Emperor’s Clone.
  6. Sir Godfrey

    Narnia In what order should the Chronicles of Narnia be read?

    Chronological Order is best.
  7. Sir Godfrey

    “Rise and rise again till lambs become lions.” -Robin Longstride

    “Rise and rise again till lambs become lions.” -Robin Longstride
  8. Sir Godfrey

    Who Do You Say Aslan Is?

    At the climax of The Last Battle those who behold Aslan at the door into True Narnian react in four different ways. Some run to him in a rush of joy, others are apprehensive due to the deception of Shift and Puzzle (The Anti-Aslan), others hate the very sight of Aslan and want nothing to do with...
  9. Sir Godfrey

    The Lady of the Green Kirtle: Two Dimensional?

    The Narnian narrative is nearly perfect, with the exception of villains. Jadis, The White Witch is a brilliant villain, but the others are a hit and miss. In PC you have Miraz (King Saul), in HHB Rabadash, in VODT the Sea Serpent (although not exactly a cognitve reasoning villain) and...
  10. Sir Godfrey

    There is something about Tashbaan..

    The Horse and His Boy well always be my favorite chronicle of Narnia. There is just something about the locations, characters, and adventures I can't help but love. I suppose it has something to do with middle eastern setting. Tashbaan is obviously Jerusalem (just like Minas Tirith is Jerusalem...
  11. Sir Godfrey

    Telmarine Inquisition

    I was under the impression that the Telmarines, aside from being Brigands or sea faring pirates run aground, were perhaps allegorical of the Spanish and that their treatment of the Narnians was like the Spanish Inquistion. We could view the Caspians (in particular Caspian IX and X) are like King...
  12. Sir Godfrey

    "Further Up and Further In.."

    The Last Battle is no doubt riddled with allegorical references to Revelaton. However, it also makes allusions to other Biblical truths (no suprise there). I was dwelling on Aslan's words. "Further up and further in.." At this point Aslan is prompting the Children to keep moving beyond Truth...
  13. Sir Godfrey

    The Princess Bride

    Its a cult classic, its a film that everyone who has seen it never forgets. Yes, its the Princess Bride. Who can forget Inigo Montay's famous line "Hello, my name is Inigo Montay, you killed my father, prepare to die!" Who cannot recollect the perlious journey through the Fire Swamp, the epic...
  14. Sir Godfrey

    Narnia happy meal toys!!

    That tis an impressive shrine. I have nearly an identical one in my home. :D
  15. Sir Godfrey

    Bibliophile Guild

    There are those that dost read, and then there are those that read to breath. For some a book is a mere collection of papers pressed together between two covers, for others it is portal to other worlds, periods, and places. For some it is an obession, a desire to horde countless pieces of...
  16. Sir Godfrey

    Poesy: Your Favorite Poetry

    I dost love poetry! Among my favorites are: Tennyson, Coleridge, Yeats, Wordsworth, Lord Byron, Smith, &etc. I hath decided to share a poem that hast changed my perspective of a significant event in history. I speak of the martyrdoms in the coliseum. We hath marveled at their faith, envied...
  17. Sir Godfrey

    An Uncanny Romance -By Sir Godfrey

    Long ago, during the Third Age of Middle Earth, when darkness crept back into the world, a peculiar incident took place. While the Dark Lord summoned his strength and assembled his armies, while the King of Gondor still spent his time galavanting in the Wild, when all was still quiet and the...
  18. Sir Godfrey

    Orlando Bloom Engaged!!!

    That's right, your favorite elf is engaged to Miranda Kerr! I feel sorry for those of you who still were crushing on him, this must be terrible blow. But alas we knew that Brad Pitt II A.K.A Orlando Bloom would one day tie the knot. However you many need not despair for long, celebrity...
  19. Sir Godfrey

    High quality VODT avvies:

    Here is a link to a website that has a rostrum of fantastic VODT avatars. :) [ Examples:
  20. Sir Godfrey


    I found this logo on wikipedia.