Just a couple things. I know this is all in fun but I would hope none of you would go and do most of these things. For one its rude and as a long time server and restaurant worker I work extremely hard and we get treated badly all the time. We don't need people doing it on purpose. I can remember working 14 hour shifts with one 20 minute break. Its not an easy job and being mean to us is not fair.

and the other thing, not only is it rude but its not a good idea to do a lot of these things in matters of your health. many of us servers have a limit and when we get a really annoying customer or rude one we tend to break. I could tell horror stories of the things I've seen servers do. From spitting in food, throwing your steak into the drain pit and stomping on it before serving it, to dropping water down your back while making it look like an accident. I personally went so far as to shove a guy's face into his plate of spaghetti. and hard. his nose was bleeding. And there are some things that are even worse. So for your health, don't be too rude or annoying to your server.

otherwise have fun with the ideas.
That made me think....for once :p
Yeah, we're just having fun with the ideas I doubt anyone will really tick off (can I use that here?) a server...

The only things I think everybody would do would be like

Asking for diet water, laughing at that...


putting ketchup on the red dispenser handle

No one would treat a server badly really, unless they have a bad temper or is a.....you get the idea -.-
Walking right into someone and drop everything you're carrying on the floor (which my friend and I did once,and what we carried happened to be 2 cheeseburgers and 2 sodas) :p
By a Burger King burger or Mickey D's burger beforehand or anything you can eat...
Order everything on the menu, in the drive thru, then say "Nevermind" and eat your burger
onlymystory said:
Just a couple things. I know this is all in fun but I would hope none of you would go and do most of these things. For one its rude and as a long time server and restaurant worker I work extremely hard and we get treated badly all the time. We don't need people doing it on purpose. I can remember working 14 hour shifts with one 20 minute break. Its not an easy job and being mean to us is not fair.

and the other thing, not only is it rude but its not a good idea to do a lot of these things in matters of your health. many of us servers have a limit and when we get a really annoying customer or rude one we tend to break. I could tell horror stories of the things I've seen servers do. From spitting in food, throwing your steak into the drain pit and stomping on it before serving it, to dropping water down your back while making it look like an accident. I personally went so far as to shove a guy's face into his plate of spaghetti. and hard. his nose was bleeding. And there are some things that are even worse. So for your health, don't be too rude or annoying to your server.

otherwise have fun with the ideas.

While, of course, you're right; it's true of everything funny that someone or something could be hurt by it. Sorry if you took offense.
If you are under drinking age: order either A; A *deep breath* Blue-Saphirre-Bombay-Martini-On-The-Rocks-With-An-Olive *phew* or B; A root beer, minus the root.
Run through the restuarant wildly like a madman and claim that yoou are Oprah.
Order a burger with extra ketchup, when you get it open the burger mix in a little water, then say "I didn't order ketchup! This doesn't even look like ketchup!" take a bite, "OMG IT'S BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
watch as people start going through their burgers and stop eating their frys. It is hillarious!!!! :D